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RE: New tool to pay dividends to delegators

in #tribes13 days ago (edited)

Tried to search for liotes.voter as it shown on video. And got that one of nodes is offline.
Also got push notification that user not found . Got this information on smartphone. Try to look it more detail a little bit later on laptop.

Here as a suggeabout and if is possible maybe it's worth to add filter to choose node?

Upd. With help of liotes team found that all works correctly! Problem was on my browser side.


Thanks for the feedback!
The problem with that specific node happened to me when I was using Brave browser... for some reason, it recognized that node as a tracker and blocked it...


And the node is online...

Works to me in smartphone.

Maybe you are using Brave or an ad blocker that blocks the enginerpc node for some reason. Anyway, you can manually select the nodes by clicking on them.

Just checked it on mobile device and on laptop.
You know figured out that it can be really that something blocks this tool in browser. Even got that couple nodes unavailable.
But when I try to open it from ecency app as example which goes through vPn all works right. So seems block on my browser side.
On laptop also all works fine.
Anyway thank you for clarification and help! 👍

Any error you find, I leave you my discord: devilsouls12.
I have tested it many times, but there can always be a bug.

Thank you, I'll keep it in my mind!