#neoxionUnmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutsannepink in #hive-105017 • 8 months ago真是狠受气!觉得我的这张AI照很应景锅天王的这一句歌词“胸中藏着一把火,这种日子不好过”感觉我此时此刻就是酱紫的… 今早上在单位又受气了!虽然不至于恼火,但狠受气啊!!! 我本来好好地只想跟往常一样安安静静地准备下晚班呢!可谁能想到突发一小事件!就是被来上班的同事给搞得那叫一个受气!他一来就冲我喊:annepink in #hive-105017 • 8 months ago小区门口的买菜日常~今天又在小区门口邂逅菜摊老大爷老大娘~😊 一大早路过小区门口,就被他们那熟悉的吆喝声给拦住了:“小姑娘买菜不!”哈哈~估计是被人家误叫成小姑娘给当真了~🤭🤭🤣🤣🤣 我这心里还忍不住调侃自己一句,咋就这么容易心动呢!🤦🏻♀️ 这些路边摊的老大娘老大爷,几乎天天都在这儿挡道呢!呵呵~…annepink in #hive-105017 • 8 months ago洞洞鞋初体验洞洞鞋流行好些年了… 可我一直都没啥购买欲,总觉得那些洞洞鞋就是大头鞋的那种粗犷风格,怎么看都不符合我的审美点!在我眼里,就从没发现它们有啥特别能让我心动想买的购买欲!反正就是看不上😂 可是,就在前段时间… 我在唯品逛的时候,竟然一眼就看中了这双洞洞鞋!那外观居然有点老爹鞋的范儿!但它偏偏又是一双洞洞鞋!这款式可太新奇了!🤩🤩🤩…annepink in #hive-105017 • 8 months ago选一件衣服,只为取悦自己!🥰选一件衣服只为取悦自己!这是件超酷的事儿!认同吗! 我是非常认同滴!最近的我又买了件紫T哈哈~相当满意!好喜欢啊!🤩🤩😁😁 以前常听说,女人的衣柜永远缺一件衣服,这话我以前也觉得挺在理!可现在的我,对这话那可是不以为然!为啥呢?因为我这人比较念旧,所以我衣柜里那可是藏着不少…annepink in #hive-105017 • 8 months ago夏天的快乐!满载回忆的玉米香雪糕😋annepink in #hive-105017 • 8 months ago今夏首尝大西瓜,超满足~😋咱们心心念念想吃个西瓜那可是好久好久啦!我这心里那叫一个痒痒呀!可一瞅那西瓜的价钱… 唉!着实有点舍不得下手啊!🤦🏻♀️ 我这当妈的也得精打细算不是!可是熊孩子今天又在我耳边念叨:“妈,买个西瓜来吃不?我想吃西瓜了!” 我说,好哦!只是西瓜是真贵,可这无西瓜不夏天的道理咱也懂呀!何况我都好想吃🍉 于是乎,我就在市场上和网上各种调研………annepink in #hive-105017 • 8 months ago西瓜之“馋”与无奈这三伏天里,夏日的热浪真是一浪更比一浪高!那么,时令水果西瓜无疑成为了众多人心中的挚爱!我也不例外,馋嘴西瓜已经好多天好多天了… 可我觉得太贵的价格让我一直舍不得下手😅😅😅 本想着等它便宜点再买,谁曾想… 越是没吃到越想吃越馋啊!🤦🏻♀️ ![IMG20240712093448.jpg](httpsannepink in #hive-105017 • 8 months ago🌀台风“格美”刮到江西…傍晚,大名鼎鼎的台风“格美”可算是准时刮到咱江西了!哇塞!一瞬间那风就呼呼地刮起来了,雨也噼里啪啦地下个不停… 温度更是唰唰地大降!咱南昌从近四十度的高温那可是秒降十度左右呀!简直太凉快啦!我那叫一个开心,赶紧就把空调给关了!要说咱南昌每每到这三伏天,可不就是个火炉城嘛!成天热得人够呛!这回可算因为台风🌀的到来可以逃过几天了!总能凉凉几天吧!😌…annepink in #hive-105017 • 8 months ago😎雅兴啊!纯手工剁肉饼!我家熊孩纸现在放暑假在家,可把我给忙坏了!他天天在家就知道围着我问今天吃啥… 明天吃啥?我都快被他吵得神经衰弱了!这不,这小家伙突然说想吃肉饼汤,搞的我这心里都被他说馋了… 😂😂 也涌起一股好久没弄肉饼汤的雅兴呵呵~…oceanfit in #hive-161465 • 2 months agoToday's Haiku, January 17th 2025, An Organic MachineBreaking waves flowing Earth's perpetual motion Organic Machinefineboy001 in #hive-179017 • 8 days agoReflection hunter contest round 211Hellokhan.bhai009 in #hive-179017 • 11 months agoReflection Hunter Contest Round 166Reflection Hunter Contest Round 166 Hi! Dear Reflection Lovers, this entry for the reflection contest round 166 by the @olgavita This reflection sapnigrich in #hive-179017 • last yearShadow Hunters/SMASh Contest - Shadows on the sand***This is my application for the contest [Shadow Hunters/SMASh Contest -Round 301borniet in #hive-194913 • last yearCold Skies, Warm Slices: A Whirlwind Day in TrierTLDR: Braved the chill and misty weather to explore Trier, Germany's hidden historical gem. Checked out the grand Dom, strolled the charming town square, marveled at the imposing…dishant018 in #hive-194913 • last yearWalking Towards Sunset!Hello everyone.... I hope you guys are doing well. So today again..I went for a walk. Usually, where I go most of the time it is nothing but the road that ends at the dam in my…dishant018 in #hive-194913 • last yearThe Translucent Leaf!I was walking because it's been a beautiful evening after a long winter. I do love winter but not for so long. This day is full of warm sunlight. I was lying on my terrace. In…dishant018 in #hive-194913 • last yearAs Mother as Kid!!I came here especially for these dogs yesterday. My uncle called me and told me that he had one dog and two puppies. Basically that dog is nothing but the mother of these two.…dishant018 in #hive-194913 • last yearHe Felt Cold!Heyy Everyone, recently I went to my hometown because of the Ram Mandir inauguration. As the Ram Mandir is in my hometown, I planned to go there. ![1000042636.jpg](dishant018 in #hive-194913 • last yearA Cold Day!A cold day with a very low temperature I really don't want to go in such cold weather, but it's my brother who told me to come. Actually, my brother got an exam quite far from…dishant018 in #hive-194913 • last yearA beautiful dusk!It was a beautiful morning as well as a beautiful evening. The whole day was good it was quite cold out there but at the same time a beaut