#infowarsUnmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutshyhy442 in #leofinance • 2 months agoLearn about the CHARY tab and his policy of helping and supporting people who do good to others.Greetings friends of hive especially to the followers of chary God bless you in all your life projects today I want to share a little about this charity token. CHARY, it's a…mujaffa16 in #hive-101690 • 3 months agoHappy Saturday Sports maintains its price and seems to take offGreetings sports friends God bless you very much and have a happy Saturday. Today sports remains stable and with a tendency to rise in price there are many purchase orders and…nl055 in #cn • 4 months agoSTEEM 突破 1.38 美元STEEM 突破 1.38 美元 STEEM又再度上升了 在24小时之内 最高价为 0.00002416 BTC (约1.38美元) 目前价为 0.00002229 BTC (约1.28美元) 最低价为 0.00001817 BTC (约1.04美元) 在前几天 当STEEM突破1美元的时候 我以为已经很高价了 真没想到…mujaffa327 in #cn • 4 months ago疫情最严峻的两国疫情最严峻的两国 COVID-19 疫情最严峻的两国分别是巴西和印度,急待各国的援救。 大家别以为和你我没关系, 关系可大了,因为各国是相通的,现代是地球村的时代,你不去国外走动,外国人也可能入境,所以疫情传播是全球性的。 巴西和印度若不受控制,COVID-19 有著成长的温床,病毒的变异就会越来越快,最后反超人类的疫苗之研发速度,那么,现有疫苗的有kapitalismus263 in #cn • 4 months ago灵魂之说灵魂之说 周末的时候, 听了一位大师的解道, 他对灵魂有着很特殊的见解. 大师说:「肉身为船, 灵魂为夫.」 大意如下,大师说得比较梵文,我说的比较直白,用比较白话的方式来写出. 大师说: 肉身仅是人们在阳世间的载体,而灵魂存于肉身之中,看不着也摸不着. 灵魂乃是阴世间的存在,或者说,所有的灵魂,其感知,其认知,其影响到的世界,便是所谓的阴世间.pereu4ivatel in #hive-120019 • 9 months agoOnce again the 1st albumOnce again the 1st album main candidates for title 4: "Multur-Program" - after the name of the first track, which lists different styles, which is the main feature of the…authors.leage in #hive-193084 • last yearThe "democratic" Horrors Taking Place in the Prisons of ...... Ukraine... #hive-122315 #ukraine #prisoners #politics #democraty #war #freespich #duplicity #fascism #informationwar #news #vyb #pgm #archon #creativecoin #cent #cpt #infoconradterrell in #hive-193084 • 3 months agoBig Tech is Slowly Deplatforming Trump While Going After Decentralized ...Big Tech is Slowly Deplatforming Trump While Going After Decentralized Alternative LBRY Interview With CEO Jeremy Kauffman Visit: Postednlzqnlzq085 in #hive-193084 • 3 months agoSynthetic BiologyThis video goes well with my Actifit report yesterday about Isaac Arthur's biotech video. Incredible how it's now possible to manipulate and reprogram biology on a genetic level.…huz462 in #hive-193084 • 2 months agoProud to be an AmericanAmerica is incredibly powerful. Ask any conspiracy theorist. We pioneered time travel according to this video. Some falsely think we faked the moon landing but why would we…antipops in #music • 9 months agoо5 1й аљбомосновных кандідатов на названіе 4: "Муљтур-программа" - по названію первого трека, в котором перечісляются разные стілі, что есть основной фішкой по музыкаљной часті…antipops in #waivio • 9 months agoПлан такой(упрощённый) названіе нфт-аљбома №1 конкурс обложкі нфтізация музла кліпы ДАО рационаљные стандарты гуманізма дружественная паспортізация…pereu4ivatel in #waivio • 9 months ago№2. cover competitionThe plan point “name of NFT-Aibom №1” smoothly flows into №2, at this phase you vote on the covers. Accepted from 1 account = 1 square picture, which should contain the name…antipops in #waivio • last year"де скворцы" (v1х12)(English version in the marketplace ) демка старой недопісанной і потерявшейся песенкі (с похоронамі Наваљного совпаденіе случайное) в кол-ве 12шт по чіслу набіраемых…