#cupcoffeeUnmoderated tagAll postsTrendingHotNewPromotedPayoutsannafenix in #hive-152524 • 4 days agoMY LOVE CUPHello to all coffee lovers, happy afternoon. I hope you are starting a very beautiful and productive week, and that ytamapratama in #hive-152524 • 5 months agoCINNAMON CUP COFFEE - BLACK COFFEE WITH WARMTH Hello cinnamon friends.. Have a lovely day, nice to meet you again. Hopefully everyone will always be in good health and carry out all their daily activities with enthusiasm and a smiannafenix in #hive-152524 • 11 months agoFLAVORED COFFEEAs a coffee lover, I always like to innovate its flavors and create my own combinations. It is not only about the mixture of coffee with milk, or with chocannafenix in #hive-152524 • 9 months agoCOFFEE WITH MILK FOR A COLD AFTERNOONA cup of coffee every afternoon is already part of my daily routine, as well as the first coffee of the day in the morning, before starting any of my daily tasks, but when do I…annafenix in #hive-152524 • 3 months agoMY ATTEMPT TO DECORATE A LATTEHello, happy afternoon to all coffee lovers. In these unexpectedly rainy days, for my snacks I have opted to prepare more coffee with milk,annafenix in #hive-152524 • 5 months agoSUNRISE, WITH A NEW TASTE OF COFFEEHow nice it is to wake up at dawn, and to be greeted with a delicious and steaming cup of coffee is simply the glory.annafenix in #hive-152524 • 4 months agoCOFFEE MOMENTS OF SEPTEMBERHello, good morning to all coffee lovers. Today I want to start a compilation of some moments in the company of a coffee for each month, butannafenix in #hive-152524 • 3 months agoENJOYING A FRAPPUCCINOHello, happy day to all coffee lovers. This weekend, my daughter and I wanted to get together to plan the month ofannafenix in #hive-152524 • 2 months agoNEW FLAVORS FOR MY COFFEEHello to all coffee lovers, I hope you are having a relaxing day on this first Sunday of 2025. I hope you receive this year full of peacannafenix in #hive-152524 • 4 months agoA VISIT TO DAOKA MARKET CAFÉ IN EL TIGREHello, good morning to all coffee lovers. For some time I had been recommended a very popular coffee shop in El Tigre, and I had not had theannafenix in #hive-152524 • 7 months agoWITH MILK, GUAYOYO OR BROWN... WHAT IS THE RIGHT TIME?You can be sure of one thing, and that is that coffee occupies an important place in my life, from the beginning of tannafenix in #hive-152524 • 9 months agoA COFFEE BEFORE TRAINING A very common phrase among coffee lovers: "Any time or moment, is propitious to enjoy a good coffee” . And so I thought this Thursday afannafenix in #hive-152524 • 2 months agoCHRISTMAS COFFEESHello, good morning to all coffee lovers. We are almost at the end of this year, and also of our Christmas season.annafenix in #hive-152524 • 9 months agoA COFFEE CORNER IN THE BEAUTY SALONLast week on a visit to my hairdresser to radically change my hair color, I found some nice changes in her beauty atelier, and among these was a nice and quaint coffee corner. It…annafenix in #hive-152524 • 7 months agoA TOAST WITH COFFEE WITH MILKFor a month I had been waiting for a coffee with a good friend, neighbor, and teacher colleague, because she had beenannafenix in #hive-152524 • 2 months agoENJOYING A LATTE IN FARMATODOHello, good morning to all coffee lovers. For the past couple of weeks we have been very much looking forward to the celebration with thannafenix in #hive-152524 • last monthA COFFEE ON MY BIRTHDAYHello my dear coffee lovers, how are you spending this weekend? A couple of days ago I had a birthday, and I spenadncabrera in #hive-152524 • 7 months agoPeople who love life. A real and personal story about my relationship with coffee.I drink coffee. It is an event that has been present in my life for a long, long time. However, my start as a regular coffee drinker wasannafenix in #hive-152524 • 6 months agoLARGE OR SMALL CUP? WHERE DO YOU PREFER YOUR COFFEE.Recently, while conversing with a friend, she expressed to me that she did not understand people who drank coffee in sannafenix in #hive-152524 • 5 months agoREFLECTING OVER A CUP OF COFFEESometimes dawn implies, how the day starts, how the weather is, if it is rainy or if it promises to be warm, also the