This is only the second time I have participated in Three Tune Tuesday, a fun activity started by @ablaze . The first time was inspired by a musician I like who is suffering from some medical issues. This one is a little more upbeat in the sense that there is no dire circumstance behind it. I just tried to come up with something I hope is a little original with songs that haven't been covered before.
My musical tastes have changed (or at least expanded) over the years. My first "favorite" band back before high school was Guns N Roses. Later in high school, Matthew Sweet (the subject of my last Three Tune Tuesday) became my favorite.
I've never really gone to a whole lot of concerts. In college I had the opportunity to see The Rolling Stones, INXS, Sting, Matthew Sweet, and They Might Be Giants. I'm still mad at myself for not going to see a Tom Petty concert I could have gone to. I've also seen Weird Al a couple of times (he would make for a great post). I might be forgetting a couple but that's all I can recall at the moment.
I don't listen to a lot of new music these days. However, despite not going to a lot of concerts, most "new" music I listen to I'm introduced to live. However, in most cases, it hasn't really been in the most conventional venues. Most have a folk element to them.
The first song I'm featuring today is called 'The Queen of Argyll'. This song was originally performed by a band called Silly Wizard I think back in 1985.
However, I had never hear of this band or song until I heard a cover of it in 2006 at MegaCon by a band called Emerald Rose. Sadly, neither of these band are around anymore and the original songwriter passed away in 2015.
The Emerald Rose version is still my favorite, perhaps because it was the first version I heard.
A more recent song that I heard for the first time recently more people are likely to have heard of. It's called 'Rose Tattoo' and it's by a band called The Dropkick Murphys.
Once again, it wasn't a song I was familiar with until I heard it covered by another band, in this case a band called Celtic Mayhem at a Renaissance Fair.
And to round things off, one more song I heard for the first time at a Renaissance Fair is a song called "To The Next" by a band called "Music The Gathering". This one is an original: