Dante's story, What's well done first.

in #risingstar11 days ago

Good morning to all my friends, I'm glad to see you here at Buskeria again. Friends, today I decided to dedicate a new story to a new card from our favorite game, Rising Star. To start, let me tell you that today's story is for the R394 Dante card. I decided it would be best to create a more realistic story, and to do so, I based it in part on the card's art. It's about deciding whether to act in the face of injustice or remain silent. I invite you to leave your comments at the end; I hope you like it.


Image created by me in canva

Post translated with Google Translate

Friends Dante is a man who led a fairly simple life, if you ask me. He would get up early, adjust his tie in front of the mirror and leave for work. And the next day he would repeat the routine without excesses and without distractions. As we would say, he is a man who lives for his work, but he does it not so much out of necessity but because he loves what he does. He works as a programmer in one of the most recognized technology companies in his country. But something threatened to break his almost perfect routine. You see, Dante is a very correct man with high moral principles, so he does not like what is done badly, in fact he was not ashamed to tell anyone the truth if what he was doing was wrong. But in his job, where he liked to be so much, things happened that put him to the test.

First of all, his company seemed to be a place where the facade of innovation and ethics was the most important thing. Despite everything, lately when he went to work there was something that bothered him. He works maintaining the company's accounting programs and had some access to what they did with the money there. He saw several irregularities, which at first were very small and not very important. In the end, his job was not to keep the accounts but to maintain the programs where the information was stored.

So he continued to ignore this concern for a long time and continued to see more and more irregularities. Until then he continued to concentrate on his tasks but he knew that this required his attention. That is why he decided to do some overtime to review in more depth the data he could access to see what was happening with the money that was not being recorded in the accounting books. He began to review a performance report. What he found did not seem so alarming at first glance, we could say, but clearly there were figures that did not add up. But he already knew that so he began to compare the official report with what the company declared to the government.

And there he discovered something strong. The figures were manipulated, but it was not new, even before he entered the company funds were already being diverted. In addition to that he saw that there was a pattern that the managers used to obtain this surplus of money. What the company was doing was inflating its performance reports to attract investors and increase its value in the market. That fresh money that came in from investors who believed this story was immediately used and diverted. Many high-ranking executives took that money for personal purposes and not to use it for what they said, it was a deliberate fraud. Dante felt bad after seeing this because he trusted the company a lot, and let's remember that he is a very serious person and he likes things well done, so hiding something like that contradicted his principles.

Over the next few days, he tried to act normal but was secretly looking for a way to resolve all this. He was also somewhat afraid because if he spoke out it could be the end of the company and on top of that he ran the risk of losing his job or being sued or if he didn't present enough evidence. That's why it was so complicated to resolve this, it wasn't a piece of cake. That's why he decided to seek advice. He couldn't talk to just anyone because they could find out and that couldn't happen yet. That's why he went to see Dani, an old colleague who had left the company a few years ago to work as a freelance journalist. Dani was someone he could trust. Dani told him that the problem was big and that if they wanted to expose it they would need more evidence.

That's why during the following weeks, he worked in secret, accessing files that were normally out of his reach but thanks to several other colleagues within the company he was able to get them. It didn't take long for him to manage to gather enough evidence to back up the story. For example, he now had the executives' emails writing to him about what they were going to do with that money and they also had the transfer history of some of them. That was enough, so he handed everything over to Dani.

Remember that Dani was a journalist, so he took advantage of his profession and began to write an article exposing everything. Then, 4 days later, he called Dante to tell her that the article was ready to be published, that all that was left was for him to say yes. At that moment, Dante began to wonder why he was doing all that. He knew what was coming next, but how could he live with the weight of hiding what was wrong? That would make him an accomplice to something he hated: something that was done wrong. That's why he finally said yes. The article was published shortly after, causing a huge impact. First, investors withdrew their support, the company's shares plummeted, and the authorities began a formal investigation.

Obviously the company had to clean up its management, and everyone was fired. Dante, on the other hand, was not fired. He was promoted for his contribution to the integrity and transparency of the company. Now he would have a new responsibility, that of ensuring the ethics of the company, the position was very high and almost everyone was below him, and they would have to answer to him. Obviously this was not a matter of luck, when you work well and do the right things, the rewards come and for Dante it happened that way, she always follows her example.

Dear friends, this has been my story for Dante. As I told you at the beginning, you are invited to leave me your opinions in the comments about what you thought of the story or to leave me suggestions for the next story. Until then, see you soon. I'll be back with more.

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