I recognized the Commodore 64 on your cover photo, as that was my very first computer as a child! Super cool! Damn did I love that machine! ๐ ๐ ๐ โจ ๐ค
I recognized the Commodore 64 on your cover photo, as that was my very first computer as a child! Super cool! Damn did I love that machine! ๐ ๐ ๐ โจ ๐ค
I still have all of my Commodore stuff in a box somewhere though it's been quite a few years since I've hooked it up. I need to do that one of these days. I've heard the original power supplies can fail destructively though. I'll have to see about picking up a new one. I know there's people out there building newer and better ones...
Oh wow, that's amazing! I imagine that it's still in good condition. I hadn't heard about the power supply going bad, but that's also cool that they are even still available. People building newer and better sounds interesting! ๐ ๐ ๐ โจ ๐ค
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