Cover of the September 1986 issue of The Australian Commodore Review
The Australian Commodore Review was (obviously) a Commodore related magazine that was published in Australia. It covered all popular Commodore machines, including in this issue at least the Commodore 64, Commodore 128, and Amiga. The September 1986 issue includes:
Features - Word Processors
- Word Processing - A brief history of word processors from paper to typewriters to dedicated electronic word processors to computer software. Includes features to look for in today's word processors and printers.
- Kwik-Write - A look at this relatively inexpensive but full-featured (for the time) word processor for the Commodore 64.
- Superscript - A much enhanced version of Easyscript with versions for both the Commodore 64 with support for 40 columns, 80 columns or even up to 240 columns.
Hardware Reviews
- Star NX-10C - A review of this 120 characters per second dot matrix printer that is high quality but cost $600 (in Australian dollars which was probably a little over half that in U.S. dollars at the time).
- MicronEye - A digital imaging system for the Commodore 64. It features a digital camera with interface and software.
- Speaking with a Votalker - Devices to make your computer talk were very popular for a while in the 8-bit days. I blame Wargames. However, as far as the Commodore 64 went, this was supposedly the best.
- Dfile 128 - Database management software for the Commodore 128 featuring 40-60,000 bytes of record space.

Table of Contents from the September 1986 issue of The Australian Commodore Review
- The Underline Truth - A tutorial for creating underlined text on a CBM1526 printer.
- More nourishment for the MPS 802 (1526) Printer - How to create high resolution print-outs with your MPS 802 printer.
- Programmable Keypad - How to build a programmable key pad that attaches to the joystick port of the Commodore 64.
Regular Appearances
- Amiga Column
- A grand new personal computer - A first look at the new Amiga computer.
- Adventurer's Realm - A review of Huncback II, a brief look at new and upcoming adventure games including The Pawn, Ballyhoo and Price of Majick. Plus a list of the top selling adventure and strategy games. At the top of the adventure list is Lord of the Rings and at the top of the strategy list is Crusade in Europe.
- Hot Stuff
- Iwo Jima - A detailed review of this World War II strategy game.
- Enigma Force - An interesting sort of point and click adventure/arcade game.
- Quake Minus One - Another icon driven game similar to the above but featuring a plot about robots taking over the world.

Back cover of the September 1986 issue of The Australian Commodore Review
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The Templars by Dan Jones
Republic of Thieves by Scott Lynch