Wait, is it just me or there's a part two for this story? It felt like it ended too abruptly. Sometimes I wish I was a pathological optimist as you said you are, but that's something that I really can't change so I could be called a pessimist, or as I usually think about it, a "realist" if this can be considered a term to describe this kind of state.
You mine buddhist story or mine? :D In case of the former, you can add your conclusions/interpretations. In case of latter, there definitely is :)
Recently I heard very interesting distinction. I identified myself as structural pesimist and human nature optimist, meaning - I'm bearish on the general future on current tracetory (you could call it realistic view), however, at the same time, I am really optimistic about possibility of the good ending for humanity in general. And finding positive aspects everywhere is a mental health exercise I guess :) At the end, we don't know about consequences of apparently unpleasent events.
Your story, not the Buddhist. :)) It's easier to be a pessimist, so when something good happens, it feels good, but you're already mentally prepared if something bad happens.
My ex had similar view, she added also something about hopes inflation and unpleasent feeling when these hopes are destroyed, let's say the other side of the same coin. Well, whatever works for you guys :)
Yeah, my story will be continued on this blog pretty soon. The end was at the beginning, I ended in hospita, which I'm luckily leaving today. I'll add another post soon :)