Featuring Bronze League Summoner and Monsters in Action!
Excited to come back that you're another battle mage secret post, this time featuring going to distance. Since switching to the wild format I have been having a better time picking battles to share against higher ranked cards. My deck is mainly a modern deck with bronze card League caps and I am frequently playing against silver or gold league card levels, and I am still able to pull out some victories.
Description: Only units with ranged attacks may be used.
Reasons Why I like it
While at first I thought this was a difficult matchup to play, I've acquired few cards that have really helped to make my lineups easier. Limiting your options to only arrows simplifies to rules and the car to play. Those cards with close range, reducing my opponents attack, or adding return fire are clearly going to be keys. Plus any cards that have both melee, magic and arrows will be a big focus
The Matchup - Where Rules Sets, Splinters and Mana Collide
The Rule Sets

Watch the Match Here
MANA: 33
Ruleset: Going The Distance: Only units with ranged attacks may be used.
SPLINTERS: Fire, Water, Earth, Life, Death
Initial Rule Set and Mana Gameplay Thoughts
- Rulesets
It's hard to believe it is one of the rare one rule set matches, I feel like most of my matches in diamond League have been three rule sets. - Mana
33 man I will leave plenty of room to pick and fill out a full team. It will allow plenty of options and it is not going to be too restrictive - Splinters
I think that while each splinter available has its benefits, typically it will be life to add an arrow attack, death to subtract one, or maybe Earth for close range
Summoner ILTHAIN
My recent go to move for all close range matches is to give all of my monsters returned fire. Dealing back damage every time I receive it it's just been too powerfulFirst Position VENARI MARKSRAT
Well I got to start off by giving dry bone radar a boost to start to match. Well I will be losing it's arrow attacks the double melee strike is going to be welcomedSecond Position DRYBONE RAIDER
One of the rare cards that speaks through enjoying the distance because of it's melee and hero attack.Third Position ANACHRON BOLTER
Also given the chance to have a magic and an aero attacking card is a benefit not to mention the fact that it has headwinds and will reduce my enemies attack by OneFourth Position VENARI CRYSTALSMITH
Might as well add a tank heel if I can to help my card's last as long as possible.Fifth Position XENITH ARCHER
Picked it really because I had two men left and this one was gold foil

Opponent Lineup & Match Play
Not excited to feel level 8 rare summoner but it is what it is. They'll get a plus one boost on their attacks - ANACHRON BOLTER
One of the two cars not maxed, but it also has headwinds just like I do. It's a pretty solid play and can attack in first position since it has magic - PELACOR ARBALEST
When are the heaviest hitting cards double strike with three or four arrows attacks is going to be a lot of damage - VENARI CRYSTALSMITH
Great minds think alike they also wanted a tank healer - PRISMOLOGIST
I like this place since it has splash damage, it will be doing either for 5 damage with three and splash damage - XENITH ARCHER
Another card not maxed but it's got the same stats that mine has accepted one less health.
Round 1

Round one starts off and dry bone it gets a boost as Markscrat who's the first card eliminated. Luckily it doesn't miss a turn and it quickly secures and knock out of anachron bolter. This is great news as it has moved pellicore horrible list in the first position where it cannot do any damage to my cards. Passed around progresses the return fire is starting to make itself known and it is producing health and eliminating armor.
Round 2

Round two starts off and I'm feeling pretty good, I get another knockout with tribe on the radar and they have now lost pellicore arborist, and are close to losing Crystal Smith. Once again return fire is wreaking his havoc as prismologist is taking back half of the damage it's dealing out and it is significantly weakening my opponents lineup and chances. As the round comes to an end I still have dry bone radar in place and look to be cruising towards a victory
Round 3

Round three starts off with a knockout of Crystal Smith followed quickly by a double knockout by dry bone raider to secure my victory. I was actually surprised to how quickly the victory came in this match and how little damage my team took overall. I still had a fairly decent amount of health on most of my cards and I was quickly able to dispatch all of my enemies mostly maxed cards.
Thoughts - and Chances to Win Again
I think dry bone raider had a massive impact on this match and it will be continued to be one of my favorite cards to use. I also think the return fire help to hasten the elimination of my enemy. I think my anime could have used a better card in first position to potentially help have a stronger tank but I'm not sure what cards they have available. I think the combination of dry bone raiders Plus giving all my monsters returned fire in going the distance has been a recipe for success. It's almost a cheat code to hurt your enemy every time I hit you plus having a double strike melee card to start the match to chew through their tank. I am feeling intended to keep running the same lineup every chance I get in going the distance until the mana gets down to 13 where I'll switch it up and go with fire.