Sick bastards.

in #nsfw11 months ago

Soulless people.

The Hive Name.png

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The post talks about abortion.

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Varying opinions exist on the topic of abortion. I have mine and I will voice them here. I know a number of women who have chosen to take the route of abortion. None mine. Though I think the action they took was wrong, according to my morals. I find it hard to judge another's decision. Do I have the right to impose my views on them?

We spend billions on space photo's to find new life in the universe, at the same time spend billions to kill life on Earth. There is a bit of hypocrisy in there somewhere. This obviously is on a global scale and not the individual. Avoiding dismissing the individual is important. Thus the dilemma of what is right or wrong.

For my own sanity, I take the position I hold a justified righteousness.

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There are cases of rape or other medical complications that are legitimate cases for an abortion. I exclude those in my thoughts. So do not bring those extremes to the discussion. I am in agreement there are times an abortion might be the best course of action.

With rape though, that's a hard one. But I do know that any child born of rape who was asked. They all say they were glad to be born.

I know more women that have had babies though. Many of them say they feel in touch with the baby. Maybe not knowing the exact thing. But there is communication going on. This can be seen with things like cravings that is often seen with pregnancy. The mother feels a craving for something not normally eaten.

Is this the unborn asking for something?

Of the women I know who have made use of abortion. Most regret it after. There could be a damn good reason for that too.

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With any child to be born, there is three entities to consider. The two parents and the unborn. Only in a special circumstance should any be dismissed.

The spread my legs at the drop of a hat girls. No I do not think that promiscuity should be considered as a legitimate reason to have an abortion.
Your body your choice. Well you made that choice when ye spread your legs. There is consequence, pregnancy.

So when does life begin. I would say that is at the first stage of development. Without that, nothing happens after. That can be seen by the lack of pregnancy when intercourse is not there. As soon as fertilisation happens a new life is born. When that life gains the right to exist is what is in dispute in most cases.

The dispute originally centred around when the new unborn child. At what point does it become human. (Back to conception, nothing happens without it). Four Eight Twelve weeks? decided by medical teams. More recently the democrats in the US decided right up until the birth is a legitimate time frame to have an abortion. The timeframe for life to begin has been extended right up to the time of birth.

There is a conspiracy in abortion, which I will delve in to with another post.

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So what do you know about abortion?

This is what happens.
The unborn is given no medication. Nothing to numb pain.
Entry is through the vagina and two tools are used. One tool grips the baby and the second rips away at the baby. Taring a piece off and pulling it out. Then going back in for another piece. Piece by piece the baby is ripped apart. Still alive as pieces of it are ripped off and extracted.

Above I mentioned the possible communications between mother and unborn. Imagine a body inside you getting ripped apart and crying out for help. And it is asking you for help. Pleading for you to stop the pain. All the time it was a choice you made that brought this situation about. Now a second choice to dismiss your first bad choice. And the baby suffers before birth.

This communication between mother and child while still in the womb might be the reason why so many women regret the experience.

I would put this on par with the military and PTSD. Soldiers get PTSD from the environment and experiences had in war. War is about the killing of people.

Maybe we have a war of the unborn trying to fight back. Maybe this is what brings the PTSD after an abortion. The mother may not see what is going on, but the emotional state of the baby can very much be there and potent.

So if you have had an abortion, well I have nothing to say about that other than I think you did wrong.

For any one who is pregnant and thinking about it. You are a potential murderer. You will suffer after. You can see with the majority of women who have had an abortion. The regret, with those who deny regret. You can read beneath the words of justification and see the guilt felt from the words used.

The sick bastards are those who claim to be doctors and rip an unborn child apart piece by piece. They have no soul.

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