Updates updates updates & What's going on.

in #neoxian5 months ago

new youtube.png

Let's start with the biggest news first:

Gifu to work with splinterlands on a .Gif package

Yes, you heard that right -- Splinterlands is working with us to create their very own .gif set. We're currently working out the details and we're in talks with what they want. I'm probably going to hit up @goldmatters on twitter to see if I can get some feedback on that aspect -- what the community would like to see and so on.

This is part of our Utility aspect for our meme token, so we're sort of like memetility. Our plans are to grow and build a creators platform eventually. We'll see.

We haven't started marketing yet so our reach could be interestingly large for sure when the time comes.

You can find swap.gifu on hive-engine.

Legion Wars in Splinterlands


I'm in the middle of getting some splinterlands tournaments set up for LGN. Prizes will be in LGN for only the deck Chaos Legion.

And the backstory:

"Deep within Praetoria the Chaos Legion armies stir, restless, anxious, waiting, and eager for a new type of Leader to emerge. One that can arise from the rubble of an all out to-the-end tournament victorious, and to lead the Legion armies to true victory. To one day be anointed as the one TRUE rulers of Praetoria.

The battle will be tough, and it wont be easy, but one player will emerge victorious and will fill their weight in tournament rewards."

You can enter here if you dare: https://next.splinterlands.com/tournament/detail/97d7bbaed5c4e8481e341ddea807956674b6a370

I will add to this as time goes on. One thing is for sure is that I think I need to take a more active role in the game since I am essentially a big player with lots of stuff.

New Staff

We hired a lovely compliment of new staff members in the last few months for this term and beyond, and we have them managing our leo, cine, and gifu accounts because these tokens need talked about and I am only one man! So please give a big welcome to our new people:

@Deraaa: Leo Communications Manager
@Jhymi: Cine Content Editor
@Vickoly: Gifu Content Lead

We aren't hiring anyone else at the moment, however if new opportunities arise then we will be sure to give whoever has given us a shout in the past some consideration.

Cine Updates



BRO Updates

Currently we're just advancing our stack on splinterlands and growing our HP. Growing slowly along. There will be more to come here again when we are finally impressively liquid again. But for now we stack and enjoy rewards.



Glad I'm buying into gifu early on...

Its already rising....

A splinter lands affiliation ehhh

Love it!!✨
