Lots of Spinning Plates these days! An Update

in #neoxian5 months ago


So it looks like we have quite a lot going on these days. Our tentacles have spread far and wide. We're like a big Octopus wrapping its arms around everything it sees.

One thing I have debated with myself over the last year is "Why so many tokens bro?"

I mean first we had BRO, then we made Cine, then LGN, then I paired up with @silverstackerUK to make Dabs, Dbond, Club, Rug, and now what? Gifu.

That's 8 tokens bro, like wtf?

Well, I guess it's a good thing though, right? I mean if we had just stuck with BRO we wouldn't have much going for ourselves right about now -- we'd have a token that's sold out and hardly any income to do anything with.

We wouldn't have expanded our influence, and we wouldn't be a discord where everyone meets up and talks together. We've even created a room where all the top projects on hive engine meet up and share together. Hell, we've even got a splinterlands rep in there now. Shout out to @cryptoeater.


If you haven't noticed this yet cough cough @melinda010100 cough cough then I thought this a great way to get details from other project owners in there. I'm sure the bull will be crazy, and we'll all be doing well -- so if we all keep any eye on this channel we'll all know what we're up to as well!

I have included you in this too @acidyo because all the guys with any semblance of credibility are in there. Might be an easy way to network a little :)

It was in my first whitepaper to do that, and whilst it wasn't very productive at the time to start up a new discord (time is money!) I've found it really beneficial to have a networking channel away from the trolling and mom jokes. Hey! I can be professional too lol.


That aside we launched Gifu on hive engine a couple of days back and it's already got its own liquidity pool and has god0 eating into our stack as more people buy. There is no team money with this one, we just have a bunch of tokens to make it work! I'm quite excited with what we can do with this one.

One thing I was told by a friend in Asia was that she was pleased that Gifu was so cheap because she can buy lots and not feel the pinch like she does with our other tokens. Which was nice to hear. Shout out to @xawi.

This one is going to keep us on our toes because we will be branching out into bsc projects for this one! Will be interesting that's for sure. I'm excited.

If you want your own gif stack come into our discord and enquire!


Some guys get it, and some don't -- and you know, that's okay. Some people are hesitant to buy into LGN because they think that they have missed the boat, and that 1.5 Hive is a little too expensive. I get it.

If my calculations are correct though you will really kick yourself in the arse when LGN goes the same way that BRO did in the next year or two. Yeah, it's on the cards. Like I said, it's a chance to get into something before it's trading at 6 hive or so a piece.

But some people only like the short term, and that's fine. But just remember that I dropped 70,000 LGN onto the community for free and it's still on there, trading between 1 and 1.5 Hive.

I have a few splinterlands tournaments planned with this one hopefully. Anyway, we'll see.


I did some calculations with our RUG stack. I love RUG so much I wanted to see (based on what we already earn and own) what would happen if we just bought our RUG token and forgot about it for a year. Just let it stack and grow. Here's what I found:


62% APR. That's mental. You guys are missing a trick here if you haven't already bought in.


Ah BRO, the infamous token that launched us to fame in the first place and had me pulling my hair out more times than a few hah!

Some of you may think that we have forgotten about it, but we haven't, it's slowly growing in the background -- and yes, we do believe in Splinterlands, so when splinterlands really get going, and when we start to earn hand over fist again -- BRO holders will feel the full might of that.

Yeah, right now I'm feeling quite accomplished.

But that's it for now. Peace out guys and gals :)


The part that always confuses me on these is how much, what tokens it pays out and how often

Which part confuses you bud? :)


 5 months ago Reveal Comment