Gifu Updates: Exciting news

in #neoxian5 months ago

Gifu has landed it's second project to do .gif's with, and it's going to be a fun one. I can't say much of course but we'll be burning lots of gifu with this one and what we do with it. We've got lots planned and lots of gigs to make!

new project signing.png

Good huh?

Not only that but we're in the middle of making a big list of all the Bsc meme projects that have a telegram or a contact address and we're going to make a stab at going in for the kill. This is before we fork anything out on marketing.

Yes, since we started we have spent $0 on Marketing.

We've basically spend most of our monies building the liquidity pool long and deep. Anytime someone buys from us then the money we raise we put it into the liquidity pool. We do have allocated funds for marketing of course and we'll be doing that all on Bsc -- but there will be a time and a place for that. For now we'll build a portfolio on hive..

.. something to come at other projects with.

"Look at what we've done. We've done x y and z!. Aren't we great?"

We're also a tax token on Bsc, so anytime someone buys our token we earn a little tax and we use that to feed back into the liquidity pool too. Of course when we really start trading we'll do something like put a little to the marketing, and a little to the pool, and a little to budgeting for a more fleshed out team - but we're a while off that yet.

It'll take a while but we're aiming for a whole platform to entice gif owners and creators to use us. So think of it like giphy or tenor, but a web3 version with more options to do things with your gifs. I expect this will be very very popular when we start rolling because it's a unique idea.

We also have the numbers and clout to make it happen. We didn't just bring on someone new to gif making on our team, our gif creator is fast growing to 1 Billion views on his work. So getting there.

Anyway, that's another project in the bag. More details to come soon, and there will be more projects to come along in the near future I'm sure of it.

Peace out BROs :)


Nice job! Looking forward to seeing the future of this token even if I don't fully understand it!

Glad to see things heating up with this project! Maybe we can get a trading contest on Logicswap going soon.


!PIMP update! Keep gif'n friends!

It is good to hear that GIFU is going well for you guys. Keep up the great work and I can not wait to see where this goes.