A Sad day on the Hive Blockchain

in #neoxian5 months ago


I don't normally get involved in hive politics. In fact if you've known us we keep neutral on almost everything that happens here. In a way we tend to watch from the side-lines and make decisions based on whatever shift hive is making.

That being said it's come to my attention that the freecompliments community is now disbanding because @freecompliments has life stuff happening. I spent an hour with him last night, trying to convince him to stay because what he has built here is no small feat. He's invested in all of our projects and given work to people that wouldn't necessarily get work elsewhere.

I sat with him for an hour, using almost all the tricks of the trade; from telling him that hive would miss him to outright manipulation, but he was just unmovable in his decision. He is leaving hive, and for any of you that want to convince him to stay -- I'd say good luck, because he's being stubborn about it.

I somewhat feel this is a massive loss to the hive community. He brought hope to people that had little in their lives, and I really liked that about the way he conducted his business. Their main remit was just to spread love and cheer and hope in the dark corners of our chain. He has even been known to give tasks to people who didn't fit anywhere else. Something I admired, and something we started out as before we became too financial.

I had plans in the future to support him in any way I could when the bull comes along. This has been a tough two years for us, but the sphere is starting to get pumped full of money and we are about to become very liquid again in the next 6 months. That's a different post for another time, though.

If you want to go and send him some love I suggest going to the post here >> https://peakd.com/hive-140084/@freecompliments/unofficial-leadership-update-on-the-freecompliments-community-hfz and dropping a good note somewhere in the comment section! After all he was there for us when we needed it. Perhaps a little love and understanding in his direction won't go amiss.

I know how family can be though, at times they can be difficult to keep maintained. It's easier for me because this is my full time job. I can be here all the time and at the same time tend to my families needs and wants, but for freecompliments it's a different story. I know he's in healthcare and has a job already, so maintaining THIS on top of his job AND a family, damn, that's a lot :)

Anyway, there's not much else I can say right now apart from that it's a massive loss to our community and you should go down and drop him some love.


I didn't know a freecompliments community existed on Hive, but now that I hear it's leaving Hive, I miss it already :(

Geez 😪😪. I am... I can't believe this. It is sad seeing him leave, especially the beautiful project he has created.

Yes, most of them i have come across on hive are juggling multiple tasks. Family and full time job can take a toll. Adding hive tasks can be really difficult.
Freecompliments community has been great and i appreciate all they have done. It is surely a loss to everyone on Hive.