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RE: I am fine

in #mywartimediary8 months ago

Of course, we have. But in most cases, they mean that "the carrier of such and such a rocket took off", or it was shelling other cities. Besides, I got used to the fact that all or almost all missiles/drones are shot down on the approach to Kyiv, on the outskirts (I live in midtown). But today there are so many hits :(((


In Israel the siren only goes off if the missile is going to hit your local area. Also you get an alert on your phone.

I heard that Ukrainians often ignore sirens because they are not sufficiently localised. An Israeli friend was in Ukraine and was quite surprised how people ignored sirens but he asked and they said, like you have, that they are usually far away.

Understandable behaviour, but risky.

Keep safe.

Agree. But the type of rockets fired at Israel is different. As far as I know.

think it is a different type of missile. this shit flies straight till it gets to the destination, it does not have a trajectory so you can't calculate where it will drop.
and when you hear the sirens every day and it is probably going at a bridge or a anti-aircraft defense 50km away you start to think they will probably not drop a 4 million dollars Tomahawk on my house. People in smaller towns ignored it after a week or two.
being a stupid 15 year old probably helped too.