Weekly playlist time - Some classic British indie music, any ideas of what songs to add?

in #musiclast year (edited)


We like to do currated playlists and also we are featured in hundreds of playlists on Spotify and wanted to higlight a few. We are always looking for suggestions for our playlist, so if you have a good idea then post a link to spotify in the comments!

This weeks playlist is all about the British Indie music we have listened to over the years which has so many classic songs. This is quite a mix and its definition is interesting about what is considered indie music! However there are some top songs in it for sure. We only just started this playlist so if you have a good suggestion then let us know in the comments!


Have a listen

Here is the playlist on Spotify, give it a follow and a like!

Song picks

Here are some highlights for this weeks playlist:

Now Brit Pop and Indie were intrinsically linked especially in the late 90's and early 00's. I am not sure there is a more iconic tune of that time. Jarvis Cocker was always interesting especially to his approach to MJ at award ceremonies. However this song written about his time at Art college in London is well worth the listen.!

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/2fXKyAyPrEa24c6PJyqznF?utm_source=generator)

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/7ItpUlCUwTRyiXZ0YclPQ7?utm_source=generator)

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/4rFSKJs5xEW80EUSIdgMwV?utm_source=generator)

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/5YeYIVwxXC2NHyBHSz8zOy?utm_source=generator)

(Unsupported https://open.spotify.com/embed/track/5TMZeuMVTeuvkhG3cxkpsU?utm_source=generator)



Can't help you with this one sadly. I don't even know what qualifies as British Indie.

I do know the first one in your list - Common People - but not the others. 😊

P.S. Is there such a thing as American Indie?

lol yes I guess there is American Indie, but I dont know much about it will have to research!

Gotta say idk who we could add

Fair play!

I love classical music since my childhood and you suggest me to listen to this music as well.