Do Not Exist.

A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome.
An inquiry starting from given conditions to investigate or demonstrate a fact, result, or law.
Two dictionary examples there.
I do not think a situation needs to be harmful to be a problem, though all should be overcome.
The second one is more mathematical reference. The law would apply to laws of physics. Not human laws.
The best I can pull from that is the overcome. An obstacle, something in the way. A prevention. These are all things that can be conquered. Focusing on them takes you away from the solutions.
While it is good to know history. It is not wise to plan or design for it.

Stop thinking of things as problems and begin to think of them as obstacles.
An obstacle narrows the view to open more possibilities within.
A thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress.
"the major obstacle to achieving that goal is money"
The simple change from one word to another changes everything.
They say "Money is the root to all evil".
I think everything grows from the same roots. The evil gets more than its share of the water and nutrients. Everything else suffers. So what feeds the roots?
People. People are the soil the roots grow in to give us everything else. People are also the resource that civilisation cares least about. I sincerely mean that for ALL parts of civilisation. The individual within civilisation is a different matter and aspect of how we live, the way we do.
People are at the root of everything they say is wrong.

No matter how you decode things. It will always come back to the exchange of value. The system employed for the exchange of value is a monopoly. Building within the same monopoly system and wanting to change things. Phrasing that way sounds hypocritical. This is what we do though. Try to change things by changing the appearance.
The obstacle to get over is a population of us. A population of us divided. What is it that divides us though? I don't have an answer to that one. Or I do not know the right formation of words to describe the psychological differences imposed.
The best example I can think of to show a determined goal of dividing people.
Any dumb fuk who comes back at me with what about those who are raped? Should have been aborted. Out of all of the abortions each year. What percentage are due to rape? How many are from married couples? How many are single mothers?
So no I am not talking about rape victims or victims of other reasons. I am not talking about when the life of the mother is in danger if the pregnancy continues. I am talking about the promiscuous gender who spread their legs any prick that comes along.
It's hypocritical. Those who are born get to decide the life or death of those not yet? The reason. So they are not tied down and can still go out and party.
That example might be extreme. But it demonstrates the rights you think you have are at a cost.
Many other examples could be used to show how a difference of opinion or culture is constantly used to keep people divided.
There is a whole heap of horse dung thrown around to keep us against each other at election time. Then for the rest of the year silence about it. Only the extreme will continue with attacks on those wanting birth to be a right.

Outside of that. Abortion is one of the extreme parts of civilisation. What about the general parts, the provisions and structure.
Well we do agree we need a water system, roads, medical facilities and a whole heap of other things available to us.
On topics like war. The nation of people should decide if we get involved with another country or not. Unless our country is attacked directly. The population should decide what level of assistance is given and to which side or neutrality.
This can be shown as needed from looking at the past 5 decades of the United States tyranny around the world. Unjustified wars around the world by the United States. No accountability for the lies told and illegal actions taken.
None of us are given all of the information. We make bad choices from bad or distorted information. And while we debate the rights and wrongs. Those elected represent the interests of a specific minority. Those who hold the wealth.
The last 4 years show this for every nation around the globe. The illegal actions taken by governments in wars. The latest plundering of finance from Europe and the United states. The private war in Ukraine fought with tax payers money.
The problem is us. We will not do for ourselves what is needed to be done. Instead we will rely again on those and the systems that betray us to make the change.

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