Loki Season 2 Finale Thoughts

in #marvellast year (edited)


I don't honestly know how I feel. The finale seemed a little redundant and... underwhelming? I don't know. There's some things that I liked, and there's just a lot that I felt like could've been handled better and/or a different way could've been found story-wise.

It just bothered me that Loki kept going back through time again and again and again, expecting a different result. The definition of insanity is when you do something over and over again, and expecting a different result.

Then, there's the part where Loki goes so far back, to the point where we're back at the Season 1 finale, at the moment where Slyvie kills He Who Remains, and then Loki goes through the moment several times, and then, abruptly, He Who Remains pauses time and pauses Slyvie, just like that, and acts like he knows what Loki's been able to the entire time, and then somehow Loki knows how to do the same thing, seemingly out of nowhere?

I'm not sure what the Marvel Cinematic Universe's (MCU) designation is, but there was a moment near the end of the episode where a He Who Remains variant was mentioned to have been "taken care of" in Earth-616 adjacent or something, which is seemingly a nod to Ant-Man 3 but I don't know for sure.

I am curious tho how Incursions are now still happening? They also still gotta do a "Time Runs Out" Story again before Secret Wars, this finale fixed the Multiverse too much just to break it again in the next Movie.


Overall, after what I thought was a great season up until this point kind of ended on, at least for me, a disappointing and underwhelming note, which I'm greatly surprised about to be honest, because I genuinely have never felt like this after a finale before for anything that the MCU has done, but it is what it is. If y'all liked the finale, then that's great for you and I will respect that, but this one wasn't for me.


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