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RE: Doing wrong to get it right.

in #lufe2 months ago

You sure lived a different life than most and it is hard to really understand what that kind of life really is like. To live on other side of the law, dealing with drugs, gangsters and still try to work on the side.. And to be needing to hide what you do.. I would slip for sure.
Being one who kind of lived in a bubble with parents who always been over protective and never done any not leagel things...

The helping others tho and want to make People smile.. That I can relate to. And also sometimes giving more of yourself and money without getting back. Not that I give to recieve, but to be there for others but some only talks untill you helped, then they don’t talk or need you anymore.

I also get the.. Sometimes a dm or such can come at the exact right time, like the other person knew it was needed. Like a 5th sence (not sure how its spelled) 😁 lol

Interesting reading and hope you get some smiles yourself to, not only giving em 😊

Happy Monday 🌷 hugs