The quiet of the mind.
So many thoughts tumbling around inside.
Thoughts go fleeting by. You glance at each one, shaking your head. Each needs attention yet also energy. The energy which is in short supply.
Months of living off of adrenaline have run the well dry.
The math on how long it will take to get the energy back to deal with all the thoughts swirling in my head looks grim.
All is not lost. Old friends show up and ask you to play. Much fun is had, and memories are renewed between real-world engagements.

EOS Warren build
My House

A video is watched. You click on a link and find yourself in fancy clothing. You spend hours making shiny outfits on bad nights when sleep doesn't come. There is no reward but a tiny spark of why anime is as popular as it has become.

Life Makeover on Steam

While new games are fun, old familiar games come in handy when your brain needs a rest. Old games with a contemporary twist make them even better.

World of Warcraft ~ Season of Discovery
My cow Druid

You feel guilty not helping the family as much as they would like. You try to explain that your body has nothing left. The immediate crisis has come and gone. The adrenaline pump has been turned off. Now, it is time for the well to refill the million spoonfuls of energy taken.
It will get better. Plans are in place.
All you can do is your best to make it through another day with a smile on your face because your beautiful white cow died for the fourth time, climbing a hill to fill a vile full of deadly water.
You smile because you know no task is too complex for you to do. It helps you remember that giving up isn't an option. You achieve what you want by staying calm and trying until you get it right.

Help someone smile today. It can not hurt you.

All photos are mine unless otherwise stated.

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