Away From The World
I have been away for a long while, I saw that the last post before I got back now was on the 30th of November and I was planning on leaving Hive for good because I felt the whole writing thing and making videos wasn't really for me and I have also been dealing with a lot of things mentally, some days I barely even left the bed and had the curtains down and with it being Swedish winter it was basically eternal darkness and with all the snow and ice that have been you can barely do anything outside.
In December I also left my job/activity because whenever I was there my OCD was acting up a lot and it got too much so I talked with the person that helps me get new activities if we could search for a new one and he said there was one that I wanted to start at that I actually could 100% start in January so yeah I left the activity I had and then it was Christmas and New year and then the weeks went by and I tried contacting him and no answer and after 3 weeks I got a hold of him and then he checked at that place again and no answer so another week goes by and then he got in contact with them and I suddenly couldn't be there so after that I have waited until now and meanwhile barely done anything until recently when it started to get warm outside and the sun started shining more.

This week specially have been amazing and I have done a lot of things, gone on walks, shoveled some snow on the back side of my parents house so it would melt faster, changed tires on a car and the most fun thing was going on a small trip not that far from my parents house to watch the sunset near a lighthouse and cliffs.
So yeah anyway back to the first part I have been reflecting a lot on life and overall things while I have been away and why I have been so afraid to share more things about stuff I am interested in and my life and I knew it before but very recently I just decided I should just stop caring about it and just post anyway so now I am back for good and will invest in getting back the Hive I powered down while being away, I am now also on the way to actually start at a new job and have a lot of plans of travelling and going on hikes, and also started playing some games both on the phone and PC so will upload that and lots of nature videos.