Someone else to blame.

Origin post.

The second question in the screen shot is what I am looking at.

Nowadays, premarital sex is rampant among young people. What if you got pregnant, and encountered rude in-laws with a partner who is incapable of standing by himself or standing up for you? Would you rather endure their maltreatment, or walk out on your relationship and raise your child alone? Why?
Is there more percentage wise that are having premarital sex. Or is it just a higher number because we have higher populations. At a time when 10,000 babies were born a week. One hundred might be to a single mother. When 100,000 are born, the same percentage is 1,000. More does not mean a higher percentage.
So has the ratio risen or just volume?
More people having children out of wedlock. That I can see rising both volume and percentage.
The question to me reads wrong. Why is it if you were mistreated. The in laws or other form of maltreatment.

The question is worded in a manner that dismisses accountability and responsibility.
Now I am well aware I am writing this post in a lady community. But I am male and I do not know how to be lady like. As for lady like, I feel that trait is becoming more scarce.
Now a young lad as throughout all of history will chase his pleasures. At that age most of the pleasures thought about might be of being with a lover/partner. He would take it where ever he could get it. If there is a change to males having premarital sex. I would say that number has dropped.
The number of females having sex before marriage has definitely gone up.
While a female will want the man so many other women want. The amount of women he lay down with in his past does not seem to matter.
So let's go through the question.

What if you got pregnant?
The chances are you are going to have a baby.
Encountered rude in-laws?
Maybe you should have met the in-laws before jumping under the covers?
A partner who is incapable of standing by himself or standing up for you?
So this would be like you had a one night stand and knew nothing about who you were going to sleep with?
Would you rather endure their maltreatment?
Well obviously mistreating anyone is not right. But the method needed to curb these negative actions will conflict with human rights of the individual.

Take a closer look. Promiscuous women. The young women of today flaunt it openly. Their clothes are worn under the skin. Walking around scantily clad displaying what they have to offer. When looked upon by those not of the stud standard. That person is a perv, because attention from that person is not wanted.
They open their legs so they can boast of a body count.
They accept no responsibility for their actions. There is never an accidental got pregnant. There was always took the risk and lost.
The young women will do this, even those now up to the age of 35 - 40. They will try trap a man with the child and claim the child support.
The question put forth at the start of this post assumes that all wrongs are male. It does nothing to address the responsibility of the female. It removes all accountability of action from the female and blame to the male.
As for the living single to raise the child. Well that is shown that not having both parents does impact development. But that would never be looked at.
Young females need to stop dropping their knickers at the drop of a hat. Talk about the life after the pregnancy is a lot of bollox. Every pun intended. Maybe talks should be had before the knickers dropped.

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