Ireland and Immigration.

in #ireland10 months ago

I think it should be the same for every country.

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If you live in a hell hole worse than the disintegrating land of Ireland. Well that sucks. But we might just be there with you soon enough. But this post is not about you or your country. It is about Ireland and my views on immigration.

The background.
Now let us suppose I moved to Indonesia. What would happen to me there if I wanted to live the same way I did in Ireland. It would not be accepted is to state the case mildly. Chances are I would be hacked up and never seen again. Because I do not hold those same religious beliefs.

I don't hold the same belief of God as the majority of Christians either. But they do not bother me about how I live my life. In general I do no harm to others and expect that back for me and mine.

Would they accept me in Palestine? I doubt it. And all you gay folk out there boosting you self morality by standing up for the Palestinians. Well they want to cut your penis off and stone ye to death.

Anywhere I travel to I am subject to the rule of the land. WTF is that different for these immigrants. There is much more to that, then is at the surface. Those waters are still and run deep.

There is some stupidity in fighting for the people who want to kill you.

The truth about Ukraine Palestine will never come out.

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So you want to come to Ireland. To get away from the land you are in for whatever reason. The first question I have for you, What do you have to offer Ireland?
You obviously think Ireland is a better place to live than the country you came from. Why should Ireland want you? Ireland does not need a leech that sits on their ass all day and claims support from the government.

For every leech we take in from another country. Twenty five nationals from the same country that do offer benefits to Ireland should be here first.

For rights.
You have human rights. The Irish people do not owe to any foreign national a dayum thing except for the respect we expect back. The dilution of Ireland must be reversed.

An immigrant breaking the law in Ireland. Shot. Simple shoot them. The next rapist thief killer will choose an alternative country to prey upon the population. The pussy footing around and protection of predators in the country has to stop. A mother or father committing a crime would mean both and the children, regardless of been born here or not would be exported.

An immigrant does not het the right to vote. On anything at all. They came her to live by the rules because the rules provide a better life. They need to learn the new rules and practise living by them. Their children will hold no vote either. Their children will host a mixture of cultures. Maintaining the Irish way of life should be prioritized and not the inclusion of every other nations opinion.
The grandchildren. They can vote on political local elections not national. They would not be able to vote in a referendum. Though their children could. The citizenship of an immigrant child is not mandatory and can be revoked should the child become involved in illegal activity. This would not automatically mean the parents are also removed from the country. Though if the parents get involved their children would also leave with them.

Come here break the law. We send you home or shoot you. In the case of rapists and such, automatically shot, we will not pass that detestable filth on to another.

All of that may not seem like we are being fair to the immigrant. I would say back your horse up there. They get a better standard of living with greater assurance of security. Holding back on some things and keeping the power to remove them should they turn out to be bad apples. That is what politicians were put there to assure. They would look after the Irish people and their interests.

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Now here's a question for you. All of these immigrants from the Ukraine war. Why are those men not fighting in Ukraine? Because they are not from Ukraine.

So why did we let them in?
Why was so much given to them?

Dilution of the societal environment. They will always be do-gooder like those who now take sides on Russia/Ukraine that know nothing about it. Those same people would defend the man that rapes your daughter. Like he didn't know better. Somehow he is a bigger victim to them. The bastard still knows right from wrong though.

Speaking of men. Where did all the women go? Do not hear much about the Ukrainian women that legitimately fled. Where are all of those children that were alone?
Funny timing on that. As the Epstein pedo got exposed. Suddenly thousands of young children became parentless.

You can think what you like. Politicians are compliant in enabling this to happen.
One day we might be able to hold them accountable.

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You can blame the Central Bank Owners for your Country's loss of identity and immigration problem... It's part of "their" plan to Rule over you...

This I know and see how to change.