Never been wrong. When I was right.

in #hive4 months ago


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Above is what I said 6 years ago. In the discord and you laughed at me.
At the end of this section is what the first BTC payment enabler says now. As the US hunts his head.
Was not far off the cuff. Check out 2 minutes 15 seconds and 11 minutes.

Those that could what have they done? We won't go to the personal welfare gained. What has been done for the chain? We all know code was written. Did ye not get paid for that?

So what impact has Hive had on the world over the last 6 years?

I am lost to the wonder. All of the things those who have control to make happen. time after time make nothing happen. Throw money in to a friends pocket because they have a brain fart.

But all of the things that did not work twice. Third time lucky eh?

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How those at the top failed to see the things this fella Roger Ver is saying. I can think of no reason but the eyes were on the dollar.

When will one of those with influence actually show some interest in the chain. In the chain being strong, able to stand alone and support others.

If it is not obvious to you. The answer is not in the code.

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