Yes? No?.

The DHF thing is on many minds. Or at least the minds that dare speak around me.
Blocktrade did a thing. That opened topic of the threshold and then to the abuse of the DHF. All of which was highlighted in the first six months, over and over again.
There has been talk against the DHF since its beginning. No matter how I view it, it is the seed of corruption. Some may have been hoodwinked it to agreement for it. But all knew the manipulation culpability of the DHF.
Because of the way it is used or abused. Even more speak out against the DHF system now.
I spoke against it from the start. I still speak against it now. I do not think this form of support is needed. I think it should be replaced.

Without the DHF or an alternative source to provide for some things. Hive might not still be here. It does serve some positive use cases. Though it should not be used as a method to pay employment. Essentially what it has been used for.
For the immediate future. Yes I say we need some source to give support to the chain. Having that source inside the chain is disastrous in the long term. Evidence of that only showing now to a visibility that people are starting to care.
Open google maps on the biggest screen you have. Zoom in as much as you can. Less than 10% of what you can see is Hive on a global scale. That small bit is all the presence of Hive on the whole planet. Hive is not going anywhere.
What Hive has not done yet is because of who will not be listened to. When someone says something others do not understand. The power position ignores it. When something said goes against the grain, ignore it because to acknowledge it. Is to admit an error.
Now I have been talking, Yes still saying the same thing with different words. What I have notice is that I have thought about things across a wide spectrum of social and economic values. The solution I came to matches those of what I hear others say needs to be done.
None have put any barrier recently in front of what I say. Everything I suggest to be done. Has been done already and is working against you in real life.
The system of Hive functions is backward. That is why there is more down pressure than up. It is nothing different to electricity. Switch the wire around and you change the polarity. Instead of taking energy out. You put it in.

I go to shows and I listen to what others have to say. Everyone says the same thing. The speak of need. I have yet to hear anyone outside of me. Talk about what they will give back to the chain.
When they have talked about an issue. I have thrown out suggestion and got agreement. Then I say something like, to expand on more we should talk.
So I am writing this here instead of talking. Then I can forget what post I wrote it in and not who I was talking to.
To just abandon and dismiss anything DHF is not a good idea. A closer eye should be kept on what gets funded, we can all agree.
What to do is use the DHF to build what can replace it. Before any building is done. Decide what it is supposed to support.
For coding, becomes contract employment. Produce the goods to get paid.
New projects. Demonstrate return value.
For everything else allocated budgets.
Everything else would be on chain projects like games and groups or communities. Like the knitting club or football club.
Side track.
The development of a Hive Soccer league is not beyond reach. An alternative provision outside of the DHF and the Chain provides for this.
Use the DHF to build the structure that will build the demand volume for the HBD and HIVE tokens.
That is the solution right there. No one wants to discuss the details.

Step 1. Agree a sum that can be retrieved from the DHF daily.
Step 2. Put this amount to work.
Step 3. Purchase Hive tokens from work rewards.
Step 4. 10% to Caesar.
Step 5. Repeat step 1 in a shorter time frame.
Each repeat shortens the time frame for new generation.
This process repeats over and over until a time we can produce a higher demand for Hive tokens than the DHF can release. We can then exceed what the DHF can do. There would be no need for a in-house stabiliser for HBD. The values of tokens would have a real life valuation.
What is used to identify the used tokens as work can vary. Anything that will provide for the purchase of Hive tokens.
Once anything is started. Wallet in pockets becomes much easier. This should be the target audience. Not bloggers. Bloggers will come anyway. We want token holders using the token. You just need the right 10 people to start. The right 10 people have the right friends and so on. The marketing is the services. Useful and easy.
Between this and the future, there are many other little things. The end goal should be bigger than MAGA. If you cannot think that big. You will slow the rest down. Thinking that big is still thinking small.
The future is in a new banking system. How Hive can afford to provide a mortgage without a bank.
This is all something i have thought about over 30 years ago. I was told then. It will never happen. I said, we'll see.
What is needed to make it happen is here now. But are the people?
This discussion deserves much deeper talk than a passing comment.
People will want to hear solutions. But they prefer when another says the same thing over when I do.

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