What would we agree on?

What conversation could be had, that a conclusion is drawn and we all agree.
There probably is not one. There would always be an extreme that puts a spanner in the works. If we remove those two extremes. One from each side. Could we then talk about something that we could find agreement on.
One thing that can never be agreed on is money. The dozen or so people I have had this discussion with, on any deep level. Gained an understanding of what money is.
My own conclusions may differ from your in parts. The general consensus I think we can find alignment on.
Money is a measurement tool that is useful for transactions of commerce.

Outside of commerce money does not really have any use. You sell your time for it or use it to pay others for their time. You give or receive it for purchase or sale of an item.
The amount of money you give is the measure.
Just like a ruler or metre stick. On a ruler you have mm, cm, inch. The one ruler measures three different things here. It can also provide a rough conversation by eye.
Money is no different. The measure of an egg is the acceptable price the majority will pay. Life does not work that way. That is how the measure works. There are exceptions where someone will pay more than the recommended value. The egg value on the monetary ruler will not be the same as a side of beef or a loaf of bread.
Instead of having to carry all of those different items around to make a trade. We make use of the tool money. More commonly getting referred to as finance these days. You used to get a loan of money. Now you don't you get finance or financed.
Money itself has no value. It merely represents a measurement of value.

Sticks, stones, shells, metals, jewels, animals, people, plants, water and chemicals have all been used as money at some point in history. The more recent, paper and digital numbers.
Card money your balance recorded on a card and you can use the card instead of have to carry physical money. That is pretty much the same as crypto. In general people are open in mind to the use of a digital currency.
The use of digital currency now available on a phone or watch.
All of these things are getting done by private industry under the guidance of financial institutional instruction.
Hive has a token to be used as a currency too. The HBD token. There are some things that need to be put in place for it to work efficiently. A Big bank roll would need to be built up for each side. That is something that would take time to do. It would fall at times along the way. At some point there is going to be a high demand one way or the other. This is recoverable and a stronger bind able to grow after.
The question from here is.
How to make HBD a token used in daily life as a currency across borders.
No borders is the biggest advantage a Crypto token has over FIAT.

This is something that will not just happen through evolution of the chain. Taking Hive from a novelty site to the mainstream needs planning and investment.
The blogging and gaming side of the chain are distributional methods to disperse the tokens. For overall actions these things should be lower in actions on chain than people using the wallet for services or consumables.
The amount sent from one wallet to another as a payment. When this amount exceeds the daily amount released. This is the measure we should use to gauge the success of HBD as a currency token.

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