Always two sides of the story so I like to get it all before I make any judgement call. I'll be honest the threating nature and manipulation talk from Aggy is unneeded and was uncalled for. But Aggy isn't in control of Splinterlands anymore instead Matt is and Matt has done a good job I think in presenting it. *I thought he should have kept out the mention of other exchanges as that did come off threating even though I don't think he meant it to.
I personally feel Splinterlands has brought in at LEAST $500,000 worth of new users, buying hive assets and contributing value into Hive over the years that this is a simple ask to support a good application on hive. I have no issue with the ask and feel this should be passed. It's proven to have brought value exceeding the ask and will continue to do so in the future. That's the type of stuff we need to support around here emotions aside (Because honestly the emotions around here are so crazy that I would be in favor of just dropping and burning all the DHF funds at this point and never restocking it. Feels like it does more damage then good around here.)