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RE: πŸ‘‘ SCRIBE OF THE YEAR 2024 πŸ‘‘ alonicus πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

in Scholar and Scribe β€’ last month

Thank you so much - I must admit I'm actually kind of blown away by this ! There are so many talented scribes here, I thought I might get a mention but never thought I'd be honoured like this.

Also, I'm totally not used to people saying nice things about me, I spend most of my life just trogging along under the radar. It's a wonderful ego boost, and makes me wonder if I should actually try to push ahead with my dream of trying to get some work published. All the stories bouncing around in my head, it's nice to have somewhere like Hive where I can push them out into the daylight !

The only problem is, it pushes the bar higher, I'm going to have to really up my game now 😁

Thank you again !

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My guy, you deserve it. Humility is great, but your worth is evident to anyone who reads your work.

You should really try and publish some of this stuff. I'll offer you the same as I did Zak. If you want/need an editor, I would be happy to work with you.

Thank you ! I might just take you up on that. I've got a novella half-finished that I started last year and then walked away from in frustration because I couldn't work out how to solve the "soggy middle" problem.

But the lift you've given me with this means that once I've finished launching my business website (a project that has dragged on far longer than I thought it would, something to do with having to edit and update 10,000 products) then I'll get back onto the novella and see if my subconscious has cooked up something to fix it. Sometimes walking away from a project and then coming back fresh is just what's needed.