dCITY NFT Combine: Luxury Street

in dCity3 months ago

In dCity there are a few different types of NFTs that you can obtain.

Citizens, Buildings, Backgrounds, Technology and finally Combined NFTs.

Citizens are unique offering specific stats for limited time during their lifecycle.
Buildings offer unique stats based on the building type and they do not have a set life cycle or repair model.
Art backgrounds can be farmed from stacking and holding Art Gallery and the creativity stat.
Technology cards are in the middle of a remake so there is no way to farm or mint these cards at the moment making the marketplace limited.
Citizens can be made immortal in the NFT combine which uses both buildings and citizens

Let's look at the Luxury Street Combine and see what it would take to make one for ourselves versus the market value.

25x luxury Home Ask 2947 Bid 2151 = 73675
5x modern home Ask 26730 Bid 10300 = 133650
5x policeman ask 1881 bid 762 = 9405
3x power line ask 7000 bid 4009 = 21000 *
1 golf course ask 100,000 bid 33500 *
1 entertainment zone ask 95000 bid 17000 *
1 art museum ask 95000 bid 15000 *
1 spa ask 4744 bid 606 *
1 architect ask 32000 bid 15000
1 lake ask 2500 bid 765
1 basic automation ask 11250 bid 5100
1 free internet ask 12000 bid 3525
1 construction site ask 4495 bid 1525

total ask = 594,719
my cost = 301,495

So, I can either spend 300k(my entire liquid savings atm) or look into building the golf course, entertainment zone, and art museum combines myself.

Animation Magnify GIF by POKÉMON Detective Pikachu

let's start with the golf course.

Looks like 5 forests will do it.

There are 2 for around 10k and the rest are 13k for a total of 59k about half off the market price to build it with the available cards.

Lets look at the total cost as we run out of combine ingredients it will surely go up and see how efficient this will be after the end.

next we will look at entertainment zone.

We will need 1 Cinema(1950), 1 Gym(999), 2 Restaurants(1000) and 1 Public Restroom(31420) making the total cost for this combine to be about 37k about 1/3 the price of the market listing.

lastly the art museum

I already had everything so there was no extra cost but I went ahead and combined it all before taking this screenshot.

There was only 1 public restroom at 31k and the rest are at 36k which i would like to avoid since it would send the market in an upward trend for that card.

After picking up the only cheap public restroom and the forests needed I went ahead with the Golf Course combine and now I am waiting on the market to make some magic happen.


I went into a bid for 15k on 2 public restrooms if anyone has been looking to get rid of theirs feel free to let me pick up the slack.

I will need to go ahead and pick up the rest of the ingredients since it will cost less than 160k to finish this combine right now but I want to wait and see if there are any opportunities for a better deal.

IF I am able to pull in these two public restrooms at 30k that would put my days total necessary to ROI at 126k/300 = 420 days to ROI

Compare that to the marketplace ask price of Luxury St. 420k/300 = 1400 days
& the marketplace ask of the public restrooms 160k/300 = 546 days to ROI

Even if I can't get the bid, I am hoping there will be something in between that can also work out in my favor towards a shorter time for ROI since I am already on the higher end of 300 days.

Can't wait to start paving a return on these combines but I am just gonna have to wait until an opportunity presents itself.

Thnks for reading I hope you were able to learn something about the combine for luxury street.

It is really rare and special because it has a built-in citizen claim for 400 SIM every 8 days.

This makes it worth investing into for me and future players.


Nice post. I have luxury street for sell but will be on the higher side. Can't compare with the bid price though..cheers

Nice one. Hoping to do my first combine soon when I finish collecting the pieces.

Citizens can be made immortal in the NFT combine which uses both buildings and citizens

It's a great way before they ended up becomes a dead citizen, so there is some combined NFT which required citizen as well ?

yes, quite a few. I recommend building a research base if you havent already started. this will be important for future tech research minting and require several citizens to be immortalized forever into its walls or until decombine.

thanks, gonna looks for the information soon !