First Free Student, and New Things Learned

in dCity5 months ago

Dcity Post (7).png

Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog. I finally managed to get the free student, after the basic home that I bought yesterday is appeared on the random building check, but I just learned something that makes me a little disappointed, let's check it out !


What is DCity

For the intro, let's talk about DCity game, because I felt that this game is not popular enough.

I will recite from the official dcity manual post that you can check for more information about this game in their post

dCITY is a city simulator game based on Hive-Engine Non Fungible Tokens. The NFTs represent assets in the game. Each individual card a building, citizen, etc., and the total collection of your cards is your city. dCITY allow players to optimize their cities in terms of buildings, population, and income. The aim of the game is to buy new buildings, but also use diplomacy and tact with fellow players to achieve the materials you need to grow and prosper. Obviously, there are several ways you can approach this, but we’ll let you learn them on your own and test them out.

This is a numbers game, but with the added randomness of society. There will be events which can have either a positive or negative impact on your city, depending on how your city is built. Choose wisely when helping or refusing to help another player. They might need your help today, but you never know when you might need their help in the future.

Yeah, this is a calculation game which require many calculation in order to get everything worked well. There is some rewards as well from getting into the top 400 leaderboard or holding the SIM token.


SIMillionaire and Free Student NFTs

Beside the daily hive devident, those who got more than 1 million sim power are having chance to get student NFT by doing claim on the discord, then the bot will check for a random building and if it's on your city, the student NFT will be given to you.


Here is my first student claim after the basic home check is success.


The Student Replace the Young Citizen

Since the notification is just about the student claim, I try to use the claim command again, but found that the cooldown is on. This mean there is only 1 free citizen between the student and young citizen we can claim..

I re check my rank and saw my rank is still on the top 400.

I finally try to get the information from the community on discord channel, and got the answer that it's true we can only get 1 citizen, so if the random building check for the SIMillionaire is success, there is no checking for the top 400 leaderboard. It's a little disappointed for me, because I think that I could get both free NFTs.


Super Citizen as My New Addition

Since we only get 1 free NFT's, I realize that hunting for the random building check might not that worth because I already on the top 400 for the free young citizen. So I'm back to focus on my SIM income building, and decide to add 1 Super Citizen, that can boost my tax refund by 10 point ! But on the other side, my income is reduced by 5 points, but it still find because I have enough spare of income. This super citizen can give 1 population and 40 popularity as well, which is good to improve the population.

Got one cards for 12.500 SIM (there is a cheaper one with 12.000 SIM, but with older cards, I just afraid getting an expensive dead citizen 😅)


My City and Rank Status


With 1 super citizen, I got my tax refund into 25 SIM, and having 2 more population (thanks for the high popularity).

I managed to climb up into 328 position after getting 10 tax refund addition from the super citizen. Now I can rest comfortly with a pretty good income distance from the 400 position.


Next Step

I will focus on building my income and tax refund again, and my target is to get past top 300 !


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and would like to join the game as well. What do you think about the game ? Please let me know by put it on comment section below :)

If you are interested to play this game, just visit their web

PS : This is not a financial answer, please do your own research before decide to invest on anywhere!

Meet me on Another Hive Game-verse :
Terracore : Just click this link
WOO : Visit WOO Website Here
Risingstar : Start the journey to become a star here
Splinterlands :
Put 5% of benefficiary to @indonesianhiver as support to Indonesian writer on hive

@risingstargame for the cool game
Mrs. carrieallen for the very useful ULTIMATE Markdown Tutorial
Canva and Photopea for the free photoshop
Ryosai for many information and tutorial about DCity
All curators and readers that i couldn't mentioned all of your name

~Thank You~

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