It's really cute to see when dogs, cats, or even a chicken react when they were called with their given names. Aside from being cute, it is also very convenient, especially during mealtime. Well, it's to be expected that they will be more reactive when it's mealtime. But what I really love is when they were called even not during meal time because it just shows that they are already familiar with my voice. We have a cat that can only react to my voice, even if they were being called by the oldies, they wouldn't react, and that's when the oldies would ask for my help. I just can't help but be proud whenever that happens, lol.

So, let me introduce Nikka. She's Wiswis daughter, a 3 month old baby girl cat that is full of mischief and cuteness. She loves to eat rice with soup, and she's a real mess! Seriously! Often peeing when spotting plastic on the ground. But she already knows where to poop, the only problem is when she pees just literally everywhere. Okay, I've been telling you all her bad acts, so let me tell you why I really like her. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Just like her siblings, she will run toward us whenever we call her, whether during meal time or even if we just feel like calling for her, lol. Maybe she thought it's her meal time again even though she just had it like 5 minutes ago. Lol. When we call her name, no matter where she is, she will always run to where the call came from. And I find it cute and convenient too at the same time. At least we don't have to carry her because she will move whenever she hears our voice. We really just have to give her a treat if we call her, that's the catch. Lol

Right now, I'm showing her our yard, which I think will be a perfect playground for her. I let her follow me, of course, by calling her name, hehe. Cute, no? And I think she's really loving this. I had to accompany her for now just until she can finally come here on her own. At least in this area, she can run around without any obstacle in the way. And she has a lot of toys in her from the dried leaves, bottle cups, or just anything that's lying on the ground. Cats love moving things like dried leaves, so this place is really perfect. She can even climb up in the tree and become a Tarzan cat, lol.

I also showed her the way to the other side, near the garden and let her walk in there. She's enjoying her first exploration, that's for sure. Though I hope she can do it on her own soon. She loves to hang out in front of Mommy D's sari-sari store, and the oldies are too afraid to let her, y'all know we're near the highway. So for her not to go outside, we will lock her up in the kitchen, which is just so sad, because she can't enjoy much of her youth. But we really have no choice.

And this is the reason why right now, I want her to learn to explore our yard. She'll be much safer here. The only problem is, right now she wants to be accompanied by me, and another reason is because of Uno. During our exploration here, she was treated like a stuffed toy by Uno. I just left her for a minute to drink water, and when I checked on her, I couldn't find her where I left her. So I looked for her around, and that's where I saw Uno. He's holding her like he is some stuffed toy, and on her neck, por vida! Lol.

Look at that pretty boy observing and just watching, lol. Too bad for him, I'm with Nikka. Hahahaha ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ

Anyways, our walk continued, and this time I brought her near the small stream. She's still observing the place as she slowly walks in the concrete.

She really is still a baby, look, she found a plaything on the ground. ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ.

And here's our last stop, in the Atis Tree. I actually carried her on the other tree as you can see in the first two photos. But then she chose to climb up on the Atis tree, and she did it on her own. So cute. Haha.
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