When I'm taking our cat's photo, I have to be really fast because once they notice me, they will immediately change their position as if they are getting shy. Especially if they are in a really cute position, lol - my hand is so fast. And I had to use my newer phone, which can take photos continuously. If it's the older one, I have to take a lot too because I knew it would be blurry, lol. And I had to wait for like two seconds to take another. It's really laggy. And there are instances that I haven't taken a really nice photo yet, but they will change positions, and the good angle they just had will be just a memory to me, lol.

It's the same when they are moving around. Like they will follow my movement, as if they are so curious about what's going on or like what's that thing in front of them, which is my phone camera. Lol. It's cute and all but annoying sometimes because of their sudden movement. But it's not like I can get mad at them, they are just a curious little munchkin, lol. Another thing is, the blurred photos are a lot more than those with clear and nice shots, but whenever I get a really cute and beautiful result, it always makes me happy. Especially if I catch a really nice angle of them, showing how cutesy they are.
Today, I will show you cute photos of these tiny little munchkins. I took them when they were still babies. I couldn't share them before because whenever I take their photos, it is always just in one angle, and it's really a rare occurrence. Lol. I just got lucky raking this kind of angle, and I'm really glad that whenever they sleep in this kind of position, I'm always near them. (≧▽≦)
Let's start with cutie little Panda. He is one of Kikay's babies. This spot is kinda his favorite spot. He can climb in here using their cage, he will just crawl using his paws and tadaaaaan, he'll reach this spot in no time. I remember him putting on this spot before this, and maybe he liked it so much that it became his favorite hangout place And it's not just him because his other siblings can climb up in here too. What a cutie little Panda.
Next is this little sweet pea, I call her Cutie. And as you can see, she is a Calico baby. She's with her siblings that time and sleeping, but then I think she noticed me taking a photo of her other sibling. Look how cute those tiny eyes are, it's like she's checking on me using her one eye, haha. She's like, "i'mma just checking this hooman and going back to sleep." Wahhh, cutie.
And that's still her, look how she's trying to hug that huge cage of them. She's planning to climb up again, lol. And look how innocent that face is, her eyes are just so adorable. She has a really cute and angel-like face.
And that's her other siblings that I was talking about. He is Tiger, hehe. It's actually just him that I've been planning to take photos because of how adorable his position was at that time. I mean, what a cutie patootie little tiger is that!
And he is sleeping so comfortably, he didn't notice I was already stealing some shots of his cutie face, lol. And he didn't stay that long in this position, a minute later, just after taking 5 to 6 photos, he changed positions again. Maybe his paws are getting numb, thats why, lol.
I am so glad that time I decided to go to the garage because I need some fresh air. Look what a delight greeted me here (ʘᴗʘ✿).
And here's another Calico baby, it's like a twin of Cutie there. I call her Baby because she's like a baby - although she is still a baby. Ahh, how I wish they stay a baby forever (≧▽≦)
She's sleeping that time, but then she woke up just to act cute like this, lol. She looks like dancing, but she's actually stretching. You know, like humans when they suddenly wake up, lol. "Stretchy, stretchy!" ┏(^0^)┛
It's really hilarious how a cat can act like this, so adorable. Huhu. She's now cleaning herself and then proceeding on sleeping again. She actually just slept while cleaning herself, lol. (≧▽≦)
While taking all these photos, all I can feel is happiness and peace. It's amazing how these cats can make us feel good. Like, one moment you are sad, but after seeing them doing their things, you'll find yourself smiling widely. That's how it is for me, how about you? What can your pet do to you? ( ◜‿◝ )♡