Life Has A Way!
Oh but life really does have a way right? A way of kicking you when you're down and out! I don't mean to complain but fuckit! I feel today is meant for complaining!
Heck guys this year, it's been both great and shitty... Yeah it's like taking a great big dump... It's shitty but so satisfying but just without the satisfaction.... Not sure if anyone will get that but meh!
Now I wont mind for this year to end... seriously I want it to end and all my crap with it! Things are snowballing for me but I am sliding down the snow with a fucking smile on my face!
Picture is irrelevant, and yes I have shared these pictures before so cry about it xD!
Why Am I Crying About Life?
Well I'm not really... I'm pissing about it xD Laughs
Heck it feels like life is playing fetch with me but I am the damned ball!
About a week ago my phone's screen broke and dang it's a pricey thing to replace! Now I ain't going to buy a new phone, Nah I'm going to fix this one up! The problem is the money! Why does everything in life come with a price! But I do think it might be worth it, it's an amazing phone and it takes gorgeous photos! Who needs a proper camera when you've got a proper phone! That is if the phone actually fucking works!
Oh there is other stuff aswell! Plenty of other stuff but the one that stands out the most can actually ruin my life entirely!
Picture is irrelevant, and yes I have shared these pictures before so cry about it xD!
Okay Not Entirely!
Well I can't really say it would ruin me completely but it will sure as fuck cause a great deal of damage!!
I'd be looking like this buck with my head pounded into the ground! Heck it might be smashed!!!
My car's battery is giving in and that in itself is also a pretty penny! Now I do have to wait a week before I can get me a new one! The problem is that I drive a Ford Focus with the DCT 250 transmission (Okay nobody will know what that is but yeah!) The problem is that when those vehicles have poor batteries there is a high probability that it can knock the transmission casing into bits on the inside.
Yeah I know what most of you think, how the actual fuck can a battery fuck up a transmission... Well it is simple it's an automatic and everytime I switch the car on it sort of checks where everything is inside the transmission, it's hard to explain but it has something to do with the gear shifter and the gear shifter has stop inside the casing.
Now when it can't read properly it knocks the selector right through that casing! Now yes I am a transmission techie that is why I know this and yes I can fix this! The problem is that it would pile upon the heap of shit I already have and the other thing is this is my only means of transport!
Fortunately! Bossman lend me one of his batteries from the shop to caravel with me every where I go! But sooner or later it's going to be a shit show! So getting that battery is of the highest priority!
Picture is somewhat relevant right? I do think so! Yes I have used it before! Crucify me!

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