To your point, @dbooster, ...
"If enough minnows vote, even @blocktrade's massive vote can be countered."
... I think a very telling "stat" would be to know exactly how many minnows ...
I could elaborate:
How many, i.e. %, of the minnows who are still in any way shape or form active on the Hive blockchain would it take?
Based on the answer to the above, what it would realistically take in the way of informing, then motivating, them to reach this objective?
On the Hive blockchain "food chain," what would happen if you include dolphins and orcas? Who have "learned" (been conditioned?) to understand what it takes to get "higher on the food chain?" And, as a result, whether they are willing to take "it" on, at the risk of "losing ground" ...
I could write more points, but ... You get the idea ...
Thanks for writing this. I hope you are encouraged by whatever overall response it and similar posts / initiatives receives ...