Absolutely agree but sadly aa waste of breath yet again. Valueplan, regardless of the endless complaints by so many people continues to be funded. I also disagree with Splinterlands funding, and don't get me started on Leo finance or whatever they're calling themselves these days, but I can do nothing about it except NOT vote for it.
The DHF would be much improved if we could vote against, as well as for a proposal. I would also ban proxy voting. People should have their own opinions and votes rather than lazily let someone else vote for them.
The whole thing is little more than a few whales trying to find concensus but I will keep voting.
My hope is that someday, the people building applications to run on the chain will be paying rent to use it, not being paid to develop for the chain and that someone, anyone might actually create a profitable business model and that communities might be funding their users with their own tokens.
The whole economic/business model and structure of Hive is poor from top to bottom but there will be no major changes so people like me will just carry on doing a bit of blogging and engaging with friends whilst collecting a couple and trying not to become too triggered by the bollocks in the background.
Excellent post. Thank you. Hopefully one day the proverbial brick wall that many are banging their heads against will come tumbling down.