MOUAU Is an acronym that present Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, which is one of the recognize agricultural University that I obtain my degree from, well this particular university has be up and doing academically and otherwise but something happened recently that have brought the school to a total lock down for couple of weeks now.
On that note, on 6th of February, something happened while the school was still in session, an unexpected massive protest started from nowhere dues to the fact that alot of student where denied to write their exams, this was the 'bone of contention" and as well the problem that escalated the protests, after the school fees was increased twince, it was hard for for some mouau student to pay of.
Well based on my own analysis on these issues that have kept students at home for a while was actually because of the enforcement and denial of the exam from the first day and the second day which I think is not normal, since we all know that definitely the fee has to be paid before the session runs up.
Increasing the fees from sixty thousand naira payable amount before to one hundred and thirty thousand naira now is still understable due to the inflation that this country Nigeria is passing through which have already jeopardize the cost of living and cost of thing over here, I think denying them exam must especially those in final year is abnormal and bad which caused vandalisation of some of the school properties and so on, I think this is caused by misunderstanding from the management and student not taking the right decision.
On this I suggest that the school management have to managed the affairs of the school but not by force and with a lot of consideration of balancing the affairs of the school and as well, on that I suggest that school fees shouldn't be mandatory to be paid on first semester but after a the academic session, because increment in payment of this has being accepted by the students, all this fracas shouldn't have occurred if the right is done in order but this started when access was denied in second day of the exam.
And another important thing that we all have to understand that all fingers are not equally, in the school, a lot of people are seen and welcomed to study, but every one has to be treated at the same pace, reason is because some can afford the fees while some cannot, I urge the management to tamper mercy with justice while approaching some cases patterning to the affairs of the student.
Now the school is on a total lockdown I think is the right time to go back on the "drawing board" and correct the implemented guild that term to disrupt the academic activities and also that may trigger such an act of protests again that may result to vandalisation of the governmental properties which is highly condemnable and unacceptable, which I think does not favor the school management, the student the government
Image Credit: Chidiebere on X