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RE: Why Put All That Money Into Space Travel when we still have Earth Problems?

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year

I get you with your statement, though I don't agree.

The guy that spends tons of money on Mars travelling also spends tons of money to better the environment. This Musk guy I mean. It was he who pushed the electrical car. It is him pushing self-driving cars (self-driven cars shall in the end reduce the amount of car accidents while giving us free time to do whatever we want).

I do think things go hand in hand. In the end, Musk believes human time on Earth is short, which is why he spends such a staggering amount of money on Mars. In the end to save humanity, Sure we can debate the fact if Musk's belief is more correct than perhaps other's belief that humanity can exist on planet Earth for centuries to come. Time will tell who is right or wrong.


You're absolutely right my good friend, I'm actually a big fan of Elon Musk but I'm also a big fan of The Famous physicist Neil Degrasse Tyson who inspired this particular post.

Musk is doing so much to help the world from his space X to his Neuralink which is something I have great hope in will change the world.

However I really do think that we need to all stand together to help the world get much better.

However too, you make a really valid and good point

Dont know about this guy and what he says. Just know that a lot is being developed to get the world better, the environment protected. But mostly by startup companies. The big boys, the fossil fuel companies for instance, are turning aaay from anything to do with green, bcs their c-level wants it, or theor shareholders wants it. Their lobby is too powerful as well for governments to not listen and/or counter. Perhaps we shall simply nationalis all fossil fuel companies and then use their fortunes to push into saving the environment.

Reducing poverty I believe shall be done be changing the system in such way resources are more equally spread. I guess that will be the outcome of more direct changes to the system itself.

The world is a complex system. It is not easy to turn something. Essentially the turning needs all of us to want it. But wanting is not enough. We all need to act accordingly. The latter isn’t always the case, even for those who wants it. It is gigantic cultural shift we have to go through. Starting from ourselves, make small steps, take the heat, pay a bit more for the better options and so on and so forth.

you're right my good friend especially on the fossil fuel companies. They're one of the biggest contributors to pollution and they should be the biggest supporters of everything