2024 what the year will bring. Into the night I do sing. Tunes all chimed for ears to hear. Oh what the year ahead will bring. Dark into the night. No path on sight but step forward I do step. A direction picked along the way. Towards that destination I've picked in the not too distant past.
It all makes sense in my head. 2024 what else will you bring. Into my party along the way. Play not with my emotions I beg same pray. Some time destinations will be picked. Some moments I know I'll have to share. Will this year ahead keep me in good stead. Only time do it tell. Can't help be anxious as the steps move me more into that dark path. Did I forgot the torch or should it be just something picked along the way.
Some say to me it's better to find out along the way. Sometimes surprises give you silver rings with diamond things. Sometimes it gives you coal you hold real tight to it becomes shiny and your soul is sold. Sometimes the gold you hold is nothing but fools gold. Trucking me with it's fake shine. Oh how old wives whine.
Did you ever take the time to look back. No you fool what's the point in that. Learning along the way. Taking your time no rush or reckless stay. Keeping all your fears at bay. Oh how I whisper to my ears. Oh what will 2024 bring into the dark path, nothing to frightful, I pray.
Even steps I owe myself. Time to reflect I'm keeping close hands holding tight. Tightly held like a torch to light everything dark to keep all gears away. 2024 what will you bring I repeat in my brain. A mantra in the soul. An amulet tied in my neck, to try and help keep me safe each passing step and day. Ahead I say no drastic dangers or failures from tripping over uneven gravel. This year's long planned unplanned travel.

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