Irrevocable debacle

in Rant, Complain, Talk6 months ago

Let's jump into the fray and get our hands all dirty from the toile of life's coats into the only thing worth your while especially when you're left all stumbling to grasp the last vistage of the omnipresent conscious effort to bring about the one true reason you're even here to begin with.

Often I'm left wondering of the many decisions I've made into the night as i sip away at that bottle cradled into the hands holding tightly onto some reality brought by epithet desperation or just outright belief you will get out of this unscathed into that long night.

Always there is a silver lining as the light shines through from some dumbfounded excuse to give destiny one chance to get yourself into that mindset chosen in haste like a bad copy and paste.


Don't believe there is some sort of hype I'm trying to count out to ten and maybe when it does come to something we get into and out of our Jumbled minds bothering to wonder those wonders alight after a heavy rainstorm and it always leads into the night with questions of how well will be my sleep.

Quiet down now my boost mind and let not anything and everything keep you through the night of sometimes it always leads into unforgiven fright i say turn on the light and hope nothing there is a bad sight.