AFRITUNE WEEK 125- Simply Devoted Cover by Godaddict.

in AFRI-TUNES8 months ago

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Greetings from Nigeria 😁
This is another week of Afritune and this week I'll be doing a song by a Nigerian Gospel artist by name Sinach, the song is titled Simply Devoted.
Being devoted means you are loyal.
So as Christians we are supposed to be devoted to the one God that we serve and we can do that by dying daily to sin.
By taking up your cross and follow steadily behind God allowing Him lead the way or better still allowing Him to be the driver of your life.
Another way that shows that you are devout Christian is when are not ashamed to preach or identify with Christ, He too will be bold and proud of you.
You must be ready to loose your life to follow Him, and that's letting go of things that you count so important. Example, obeying God by dropping your certificate you were supposed to use to get a good paying job to do missionary work, it's could be so annoying at the beginning but at the end you will be grateful you actually obeyed.
I pray and hope this song blesses you.
Much love ❤️

   ****Song Lyrics****

Take up my cross
Daily follow You
I'm not ashamed to shout
My love for You my Lord
Straight from my heart
I worship You
You are the reason for life

Simply devoted to You, oh Lord
I lose my life to follow You
The life I now live, it's not I that lives
For me to live is Christ
Simply devoted to You, oh Lord
I lose my life to follow You
This life I now live, it's not I that lives
For me to live is Christ


Saludos desde Nigeria 😁
Esta es otra semana de Afritune y esta semana haré una canción de un artista de gospel nigeriano llamado Sinach, la canción se titula Simply Devoted.
Ser devoto significa que eres leal.
Entonces, como cristianos, se supone que debemos ser devotos del único Dios al que servimos y podemos hacerlo muriendo diariamente al pecado.
Tomando tu cruz y siguiendo firmemente a Dios, permitiéndole que te guíe o, mejor aún, permitiéndole que sea el conductor de tu vida.
Otra forma de demostrar que eres un cristiano devoto es cuando no te avergüenzas de predicar o de identificarte con Cristo, Él también será audaz y orgulloso de ti.
Debes estar dispuesto a perder tu vida para seguirlo, y eso es dejar de lado las cosas que consideras tan importantes. Por ejemplo, obedecer a Dios al dejar caer tu certificado que se suponía usarías para conseguir un trabajo bien remunerado para hacer trabajo misionero, puede ser muy molesto al principio, pero al final estarás agradecido de haber obedecido.
Rezo y espero que esta canción te bendiga.
Mucho amor 💞

I remain godaddict ✌️

▶️ 3Speak


My anyy friend
Nice to meet you here again
You now you really have a nice voice
This is just perfect

I suggest you ask how to make good use of the instrumental so as to make your production much better
With a better instrumental with this your fine voice, omo e go be fire
Moise app actually does not do justice

Oh wow
Thanks so much
I'll try the all
God bless 🙏