AFRITUNE WEEK 126- Turn it Around Cover by Godaddict.

in AFRI-TUNES8 months ago

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Greetings from Nigeria 😁
This week I'll be doing a song by a Nigerian Gospel artist by name Dr. Tim Godfrey ft Pst Nathaniel Bassey and Tim Bowman, the song is titled Turn it Around.
Often times the devil plans something evil to happen to us but God has a way of adverting it for His children. I can't count several stories of God intervening for people, sometimes as human you might feel that the person God is saving isn't worth it or doesn't deserve to be save but No, God isn't like that. The Bible says He chooses to favor whom he wants to. So your prayer and my prayer should be that, we should be in God's good book.

The Bible says everything works together for good to those that love God.
Several times the devil does something that will break us but Nah! We shake it off, brace up and still push ahead.

There are situations that warrant total knock out by us but with God on our side we are up and doing even till now.

Whatever the devil meant for evil, for our downfall indeed God has indeed turn it around for our good. Isn't that some thing we should happy about? The answer is YES😄

I hope this song blesses you.

   ****Song Lyrics****

For the spirit of heaviness, he gives us a garment of praise
But I want you to know regardless that whatever the enemy meant for evil
God is turning it around for good
Are you ready
What the enemy
Meant for evil
God has turned it around
Turned it around
What the enemy
Meant for evil
God has turned it around
For my good


Saludos desde Nigeria 😁
Esta semana haré una canción de un artista de gospel nigeriano llamado Dr. Tim Godfrey con Pst Nathaniel Bassey y Tim Bowman, la canción se titula Turn it Around.
Muchas veces el diablo planea que nos suceda algo malo, pero Dios tiene una manera de anunciárselo a Sus hijos. No puedo contar varias historias de Dios interviniendo por las personas, a veces, como ser humano, puedes sentir que la persona que Dios está salvando no vale la pena o no merece ser salva, pero no, Dios no es así. La Biblia dice que Él elige favorecer a quien quiere. Así que su oración y la mía deberían ser que estemos en el buen libro de Dios.

La Biblia dice que a los que aman a Dios, todo les ayuda a bien.
Varias veces el diablo hace algo que nos quebranta pero ¡Nah! Nos lo quitamos de encima, nos preparamos y seguimos adelante.

Hay situaciones que merecen un nocaut total por nuestra parte, pero con Dios de nuestro lado estamos en pie y funcionando incluso hasta ahora.

Cualquier cosa que el diablo haya querido para el mal, para nuestra perdición, Dios ciertamente lo ha revertido para nuestro bien. ¿No es eso algo de lo que deberíamos estar contentos? La respuesta es 😄

Espero que esta canción te bendiga.

I remain godaddict ✌️
An Ardent lover of God.

▶️ 3Speak


I celebrate your vocal power and beautiful presentation 👍.

Thanks so much ma'am

Thank You For Sharing This With Us @godaddict

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