Rural rice fields and children are taking out rice from rat canals.

in Photography Lovers3 months ago (edited)

Hello friends, how are you all, I hope you are all very well. Welcome to my new post. These were some moments of my house. I went to my house a few days ago. When I went a little away from my house to explore the village environment. Then I took these photographs. It was basically in the afternoon when I left our house about a kilometer away.

First I walked through the rice fields. Then I walked a little further and I went to a small forest. Which was basically a small grove next to our village. Where there are many trees, I saw on my way back from there that some small children were doing something next to the rice fields. I did not understand what they were doing. I went to them and after going I saw that they were harvesting rice there. Basically when rice is planted in these lands. When the rice is quite ripe, various kinds of animals and insects eat these rice.

One of them is rats. Rats are the most harmful to rice. Because of rats, it is seen that they dig holes in the ground and they take the rice inside their soil and there they store the rice underground. Later, when the rice is cut from the land and taken to the house, these canals are seen. These canals were originally created by rats. In our rural areas, small children collect rat rice from these canals. They collect these rice and they sell them in the market.

I had a younger brother there. I saw him standing there watching the rice being harvested and there were some small children who basically went there with spades. Then they dug that rat canal with spades. Then from there they slowly brought the rice from inside to outside. After a while, you can see that some rats came out. I also did this a lot when I was a child. I also remembered all those memories.

Sometimes I really enjoy taking photographs. I especially enjoy capturing such photographs of rural environments. I hope you will like this post of mine, thank you all.


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