When I was just a little boy of 8 years old, there were days when my grandmother used to look out into the backyard while making her morning coffee and say: "Today we have some of that blue fog"... I never really understood it, because at that age the fog was all the same to me, but my grandmother was quite right... There are days when the fog here in Montalbán is different...
It is a much denser type of fog than usual in the town's valley. It is not exactly blue in colour, obviously, but it does have that "leaden grey" hue that rain clouds tend to have. So I guess this is why the old people here call it "blue fog". It is also a fact that on the days when this fog has this colour, the temperature drops quite a lot and is usually between 12°C and 15°C (which for us here is quite cold I assure you). What happened yesterday was that when I woke up, I put my head out of my bedroom window and I could hardly see the street because of the density of the fog with that grey colour... "Oh, blue fog!"... I said that to myself and rushed out to rinse my face, then I grabbed my camera with my old 50mm fixed lens (which I like to call "fog swallower") and got on my old bike to ride down the street without even having had breakfast... You can't let this fog go by without taking pictures, no sir!... Once I was pedalling on my bike I discarded the idea of taking photos in the streets of the town centre. It was very lonely there (it was barely 6:30 AM) and visibility was almost zero. So I headed towards a cart track to the north-east of the village through which one can detour to a country road with charming paths and some old woods with leafless trees... That's always beautiful when it's foggy!... Also, the time spent on the journey gave me a bit more light, enough to be able to use settings on my camera to get some pretty decent pictures... Once I was on the country road, I started taking photos and reveling in the cool, dense vision of the fog encroaching all around me. I was there for almost two hours and there were moments when my clothes and my skin were damp with dew... From this journey I have taken all these photos that I share with you today... Today I wanted to prepare for you the monochrome versions of these photos with a "special touch" honouring the name "Blue Fog" given by the people here in my village, so I added a 16% blue fade layer to the traditional black and white photos and after that I did again the usual adjustments of levels, highlights, shadows, vignettes and so on...
01-📷 / 50 mm| 1/400s | f/5.0 | ISO 500
02-📷 / 50 mm| 1/640s | f/4.5 | ISO 500
03-📷 / 50 mm| 1/1250s | f/4.5 | ISO 500
04-📷 / 50 mm| 1/640s | f/4.5 | ISO 500
05-📷 / 50 mm| 1/1250s | f/4.5 | ISO 500
06-📷 / 50 mm| 1/1000s | f/4.5 | ISO 500
07-📷 / 50 mm| 1/320s | f/5 | ISO 500
08-📷 / 50 mm| 1/640s | f/5 | ISO 500
09-📷 / 50 mm| 1/400s | f/5 | ISO 500
10-📷 / 50 mm| 1/1000s | f/5 | ISO 500
📷 01 | 📷 02 |
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📷 03 | 📷 04 |
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📷 05 | 📷 06 |
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📷 07 | 📷 08 |
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📷 09 | 📷 10 |
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Thank you very much for your visit and appreciation!
¡Muchas gracias por pasar y apreciar!
ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL NOTE: Photographs captured with my Nikon D7000 DSLR camera in RAW format, then processed in Adobe Camera RAW for adjustments regarding light, sharpening, contrast and depth... They were then exported to JGP format on which minor modifications such as straightening and adding watermarks were carried out using PhotoScape 3.6.3.
NOTA TÉCNICA ADICIONAL: Fotografias capturadas con mi cámara DSLR Nikon D7000 en formato RAW, procesadas posteriormente en Adobe Camera RAW para ajustes relativos a luz, afilado, contraste y profundidad... Luego fueron exportadas a formato JGP sobre el cual se llevaron a cabo modificaciones menores como enderezado y agregado de marcas de agua usando PhotoScape 3.6.3.
"We make photographs to understand what our lives mean to ourselves." - Ralph Hattersley.
"Hacemos fotografías para comprender lo que nuestras vidas significan para nosotros mismos." - Ralph Hattersley.
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8d FX
Lente: Nikon AF Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8d FX