Today, I took a trip to the nursery, which is just halfway to my home. My friends and I went there to pick out some pretty English flowers for our school. Oh, the nursery was filled with so many lovely flowers! As soon as I stepped inside, I felt like I was surrounded by a sweet-smelling, beautiful paradise. It was so inspiring! I even took some pictures to show to all of you later on.
Having flowers and plants around can make you feel more connected to nature and make your surroundings feel more natural and peaceful," says Ghitelman. Think about putting large plants in pots in your living room or hanging baskets near your windows. They'll give you fresh, clean air and help you feel better mentally because being around nature is good for you.
The content I shared with you guys is based on my education and knowledge. I wish you people will appreciate this post and reblog if you like it. Thanks for sticking till the end.