And not just winters actually, all four seasons of the year used to be very distinct with their typical features.
You're right on! We used to have 4 seasons, now we have 3 at best. I see some of my clothes never get to wear them, due to the sudden warmup. Summers are too hot now, my dad's garden has a lot to suffer each year.
It was so warm in February already that I was riding my bike in just a T shirt and still was sweating like crazy. Then, a few days later, it was freezing again. The climate is all messed up and it´s only (or mostly) our fault :(
That unfortunately happens every single year. I remember we started the gardening season on the 15th or March, then we were shoveling snow 2 weeks later. Imagine those bus, getting freezing cold all of the sudden. The flat earth theorist come and tell me this is all invented by politicians :D
Thank you for the nice comment and I'm glad you liked my shots. I did my best.
Happy Easter my friend and enjoy the weekend!