It's been awhile since I've been to an exhibition and who knows when I'll have time to visit the new ones. Life is keeping me busy, I have some things to do, which are not pleasant, but must be done. Today I took a couple of hours off, to put together a post and get my mind into the creative filed and off of the problems and inconvenience I have right now. Honestly I would leave and travel far away from here, but that's not an option, so instead of looking for what I can't do, rather look for what I can do and that is post about art. So cm with me and let's see what creative minds have put together for us.
The title of this one is perfect in my pinion and I was thinking of leaving it to you, to describe me how it works.
Here's another photo, of the next move, to help you in describing what you see. let's play this game, shall we?
There were these portraits in the background, which I said nothing about till now, but here I could not avoid capturing them, so let's talk about them.
On the left, you have Attila Demjén's portrait, who was a Mihály Munkácsy Prize-winning painter and lived between 1926 and 1973. I had no idea about his existence, till now, so this is why I love posting on Hive. I can do my research and broaden my knowledge with every post I write. Many go to exhibitions, go through what they see and then forget about it. For me it's different as I read about these people and what I read sticks in
my memory.
These people, who's portraits you are going to see today have left something for us and the next generations, so they all deserve recognition. This is one way to honor their memory, a very nice one.
The other portrait is of Etelka Pataky Gidófalvyné, another painter from Transylvania, aquerellist. Fun fact, both painters were born in the same place, but in a different time. What I love about this is that none of them were world class painters, but that doesn't mean they have not contributed to growing our heritage, thus they deserve recognition and they got it here.
I don't think this was moving, or I can't recall it exactly. The mechanism makes sense, most likely this is how some of the switches used to work.
This was an interesting on, but not exactly to my taste.
This was an interesting one, but don't ask me what it is. I say it was interesting because it was placed in front of the window and the striped curtains added some extra to the view. I tried to run a search about what Motolla means, but I didn't become smarter after the search. So I'll leave this to you. Tell me what you see and tell me what it means.
This one had no title, so you can give a title yourself, whatever you like or whatever you think it means. It's an interesting concept, I think this is a polished stone, to have this shape. Looking at it, I can see it as a headache, which is squeezing your head sometimes, exactly like this. Am I the only one to think like that?
Gaining Ground
Again, I would love to know how this was done. Obviously you have two different materials here, but the process is unknown to me. At least I can't figure it out how it's done. As an artwork, I find it interesting and would be glad to have one.
Opposites 1
This one reminds me of a knitting pattern, although it's not even close. If you have a good look at it, kind of have a double meaning. Once because the upper part is opposite to the lower part, and second, because you see, the long tooth is the opposite of the small tooth. It's a good one.

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