It's More or Less the Best: Week 71

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The Minimalist community presents It's More or Less the Best, a curation compilation highlighting some outstanding blogs published over the past week.

These selected authors shared their personal stories and views on different aspects of their minimalist lifestyle, giving some insight into what the style of living involves.

This compilation is presented to help shine the spotlight on the selected posts, with the hope that you will take a look at them in case you missed any.

Outstanding Minimalists Blogs in no particular order.

Sorting through a mountain of clutter

✨"In my case, order causes emotional well-being, but when I can't have it for some reason it becomes a reason to be uncomfortable. Especially when I have a routine to avoid disorder and I can't do it for reasons beyond my control. That happened to me these last few days and the truth is that it made me a little bit stressed." @jemima1996

Lost in Thought, But Not in Diagnosis

✨"Lately, I’ve been in a never-ending rollercoaster of bad moods. I couldn’t tell where one emotion began and the others ended. But despite this chaos, I find peace and sanity in the fact that I understand the cause and triggers of my mood swings. At least, I can identify every emotion I feel" @whatmidesays

Decluttering in daily life

✨"A neighbour who works as a bricklayer came to ask if I had any trousers I was no longer using that I could give him. His current pair was torn, and he could not find a replacement since all his other clothes were new and unsuitable for work. Yoh! I had to tell him to check back in the afternoon because I knew I had some worn-out jeans that I had been considering turning into rags. I have already wrapped them up, waiting for him to come and take them in the evening. What a relief!" @kingsleyy

Clearing the Chaos: How I Cut Out Physical and Non-Physical Clutter

✨"I can't count how many times I have had to sort through my documents, files, and books, removing unnecessary ones and throwing them away. Old receipts that are no longer useful, printouts from my college and university days, and even duplicate certificates. I sort through everything and burn what I don't need. I do this every two to three months, especially when I have made new printouts for applications. I don't see the point of hoarding papers in my closet when they take up so much space. Everything feels lighter afterwards." @princessbusayo

It's not how it looks, it's how it feels.

✨"The order I have with my books, I also have with my movies and my CDs: they are arranged in alphabetical order and by genre: mystery, erotic, narrative, poetry, in the case of books; merengue, classical, tropical, in the case of music. Since there is an order, every time I take out a CD, a book or a movie, there is a void that will allow me not only to know where to put the object again, but also to know what is missing. You don't know what I suffer when I lend a book and it is not returned." @nancybriti1

Not In A Haste to Waste

✨"So now plastic bottles aren’t safe anymore. Gone were the days when all of those bottles were littered all around the community. It’s a different story now since the recycling companies are ready to buy back all of them. People took it as an occupation. But why would they have to waste my expensive chemicals at the expense of selling the plastic?" @abdul-qudus

Less Clutter, More Clarity.

✨"regularly tidying up the house helps me identify and get rid of clutter easily. Despite the fact that my apartment is in a good state, I still make sure to do my thing every morning since I spend a lot of time at home daily." @george-dee

Horizon, regardless your problems, we just can't keep look at it...

✨"It is necessary to reflect on our lives. The stress levels we deal with are getting deeper and more intense. We sleep badly, we eat badly, we even make love badly? Clearly it is a vicious circle that has not very well defined when it started but we do know the damage it causes us and what we have to pay..... " @chris-chris92

Cleaning in warm and welded seasons

✨"In Venezuela there is no spring as such, due to its position in the world it has a tropical climate all year round and only varies a few degrees depending on the season, there is only summer and summer with rain, just kidding, it is summer and winter because it rains and the weather is a little cooler, although where I live it is always hot sometimes also when it is rainy season." @jemima1996

Please observe our updated community rules

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Some additional tips

🔸 The community encourages authors to engage and build rapport with other team members by leaving meaningful comments.

🔸 If possible we recommend that authors try to use original photos taken by you. Photos count toward the possibility of your post being curated.

🔸 Just a reminder that the weekly #KISS Blog Ideas is presented with ideas on topics to write about and to help you to structure your blogs, they are not meant to be questionnaires for you to list information and publish.

🔸 The presentation of your blog goes a long way and sharing aspects of your lives and your personal stories and experiences should be a lot more than a list that can be found in various places over the web.

🔸 You do not need to wait or only blog in response to the prompts provided. You're free to share any aspect of your minimalist lifestyle at any time.

Thank you for checking out the #MoreOrLessTheBest Curation Compilation presented by The Minimalist. This is the new official community account, where the weekly #KISS Blog Ideas and all community events and activities will be published.
I invite you all to get involved and share your stories about minimalism, and perhaps you would like to invite someone.

About The Minimalist community

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Cover photo belongs to Milly


Thank you for the mention!

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Thank you very much for the mention. An honor to be among those selected. Blessings

It's our pleasure and we do appreciate your great content.
Have a lovely day, and see you around:)

Image belongs to millycf1976

Thank you for the mention. It's an honor 🎖 🤗


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.