It's More or Less the Best: Week 56

in The MINIMALIST3 months ago

It's More or Less the Best Curation Compilation.jpg

The Minimalist community presents It's More or Less the Best, a curation compilation highlighting some outstanding blogs published over the past week.

These selected authors shared their personal stories and views on different aspects of their minimalist lifestyle, giving some insight into what the style of living involves.

This compilation is presented to help shine the spotlight on the selected posts, with the hope that you will take a look at them in case you missed any.

Outstanding Minimalists Blogs in no particular order.

Except Crochet

✨"I don’t have a problem seeing my yarns very disorganized but they make the place look untidy. So since I always have them all over anytime I’m crocheting, I just try my best to restrict my movements and my yarns to my crochet corner. Sometimes when I realize certain yarns may lie around for years and get tangled, I make them into something temporarily until I get what exactly I want to use them for." @abenad

Learning without forcing others to learn

✨"The most valuable lesson you've learned from minimalism that still holds today?
That I can't force others to see less as more. But let me tell you how I learned it.
I grew up in a maximalist household, but besides that most of the people I knew also had houses full of stuff. So when visiting close relatives, what I saw around me was a lot of ornaments, pictures and furniture, so I learned that it was normal, that's how a house should be." @jemima1996

A Few Solutions to Fight the Noise & Create A Bit of Harmony

✨"We had nowhere to put socks that didn't make them tricky to find or lost amongst the clutter of other clothes, so I found three small cardboard boxes from the local supermarket, painted them green to suit the Land Rover, and glued mushrooms on them. Now when you open the door you don't get a mess, you get three cute boxes with socks and knickers in them. This makes me irrationally happy." @riverflows

Without ceasing to love life

✨"An aspect of utmost importance to fall in love with my life is to override complaints. I didn't learn this overnight, it has taken me time but it has been worth the effort. Instead of complaining I give thanks and I keep peace of mind, that peace that nothing and no one can take away from me and when a very grey sky appears I dress myself with the courage to move forward without stopping loving life." @abisag

I want it natural like me

✨"Mentally I have a small list and when my mind plays against me, or stress overtakes me, then I visit the place on my list that at that moment I can visit. Sometimes, everything happens too fast and it's too much so, I just go out to the backyard of my house which is tiny, but where I can stay dezcalsa to feel the grass on my feet, while I look at the sky, no matter if it's cloudy or blue." @jemima1996

Reactions to Clutter

✨"Clutter now feels like punishment to my eyes and brain.
It’s not just in my house or room; even on my phone, I now live a very simple life compared to how I used to clutter it with different versions or designs of the same app. Back then, I would end up using just one app while the rest sat there, consuming space." @kingsleyy

Why We Moved to El Salvador.

✨"Health was probably one of the biggest reasons why we moved to El Salvador, with the sun and the Vitamin D that the sun provides for us, which in Canada we don't get enough of. The amazing tropical fresh fruits like coconut, mango, avocados, papayas, pomegranate, bananas, plantains, anonas and all the other amazing tropical fruits are packed with all the incredible nutrients. " @joalvarez


✨"What helps me become freer is sharing. Not just my problem but anything sharable. I’m beginning to learn that it is always best to share because if you continue keeping things to yourself, on days when you need help it will just be you against the world and that is one thing that mostly make the most of us makes our minds because going against the world all on your own is not just worth it even if you can." @hopestylist

Giving my mind no respite

✨"I can have everything tidy, feel the breeze lift the curtain in my room and take a deep breath, yet unwanted guests come into my mind and disturb me. Bad thoughts are like those rusty decorative ornaments that get in the way in a house. It is very easy for me to discard an object that is getting in the way but it is very difficult to get rid of some intruders in my mind that mitigate my peace." @abisag

I need order for health, peace and stability

✨"I have a somewhat complicated relationship with order, because I love it madly, I love to see the surroundings tidy and clean always because I completely believe that order at home, helps to order the mind as well.
But, it is a complicated relationship because both my husband and I are somewhat messy". @jemima1996

Please observe our updated community rules

The Minimalist Community Rules-3.jpg

Some additional tips

🔸 The community encourages authors to engage and build rapport with other team members by leaving meaningful comments.

🔸 If possible we recommend that authors try to use original photos taken by you. Photos count toward the possibility of your post being curated.

🔸 Just a reminder that the weekly #KISS Blog Ideas is presented with ideas on topics to write about and to help you to structure your blogs, they are not meant to be questionnaires for you to list information and publish.

🔸 The presentation of your blog goes a long way and sharing aspects of your lives and your personal stories and experiences should be a lot more than a list that can be found in various places over the web.

🔸 You do not need to wait or only blog in response to the prompts provided. You're free to share any aspect of your minimalist lifestyle at any time.

Thank you for checking out the #MoreOrLessTheBest Curation Compilation presented by The Minimalist. This is the new official community account, where the weekly #KISS Blog Ideas and all community events and activities will be published.
I invite you all to get involved and share your stories about minimalism, and perhaps you would like to invite someone.

About The Minimalist community

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Find The Minimalist Community Here on Hive

Cover photo belongs to Milly


From the bottom of my heart I appreciate the mention of my publication in this report 🌻💖 The truth is that this community is an oasis, it always pushes me to reflect and to have more conviction in my lifestyle.

Thank you so much 🫂 ☺️

Thank you for appreciating my publications, my experiences, my efforts and my mind. That gives me encouragement and desire to continue doing it 💓, many hugs and hopefully this community continues to grow every day more.

It's our pleasure and we do appreciate your great content.
Have a lovely day, and see you around:)

Image belongs to millycf1976

Thank you so much for the support and recognition ✨


This image belongs to millycf1976 and was manipulated using Canva.

Great works and well done post!