There is something simple that I do every morning that allows me to start my day calmly, leave behind an exhausting or stressful day and start with mental energy to deal with a new day. This activity is not only simple but it is brief, although this is not an impediment for it to achieve its goal, it allows me to start my day forgetting that there are reasons to stress.
I do this because sometimes there is no time for anything else, but it is enough to put my feet on flatter ground, without so many obstacles and stones, after getting up and wiping my sore knees due to stress and chaos, this little action has become little by little a salve for those emotional knees.
I'm not a fan of waking up early, I don't think I ever will be, but I still have to do it and the truth is it stresses me out a bit because it's a big effort I make right at the beginning of the day. So, I take just a few minutes to prepare a tea, it can be chamomile, black tea or my favorite hibiscus flower, the important thing is to have a cup of tea.
A cup of tea? Is that all? Yes, sometimes the simplest things can do big things for you, a small healthy habit can become a safe place to recharge. This started as a natural treatment for better digestion and going to the bathroom, and of course it does that, but beyond that, it's something that drains all the stress out of me.
The warmth of the drink and how it falls lightly on your stomach is something that gives me a lot of peace, in fact sometimes it makes me close my eyes. It usually takes me just a few minutes to brew my tea and drink it, but that pleasant feeling stays with me for quite a while. I like to do it in the morning because as I said, the intention was medicinal at first.
But the truth is not as if I can only do it at this time, in fact when I can't handle the anxiety, a hot drink helps me a lot. I remember as a child my mom used to prepare tea from something we know in Venezuela as pajeté or malojillo, it is a long-leafed plant with a somewhat sweet smell. She usually prepared it when we had allergies or flus, but every once in a while, when it was rainy, she would prepare it and it was so relaxing that I would immediately go to sleep.
Hot drinks, especially if they are natural, always cause well being, they make you feel relaxed and ready to let go and start again. In the mornings as I take it is great because I feel that I start well, but at night when I sometimes do it, also falls very well, it helps to relax and focus on how nice it feels and nothing else.
As I mentioned sometimes something small and that doesn't take any time at all becomes something big, that causes something powerful inside you. For me teas are extremely important to have a better day, but that tea, includes sitting for a while, enjoying it and closing your eyes while drinking it. At that moment it's just me and my tea and of course my husband with his coffee, but everything noisy around suddenly goes silent. Who would think that a cup of tea in the morning helps a lot more than just going to the bathroom?
-Content entirely of my authorship and inspiration.
-Original text in Spanish, translated at DeepL.
-Personal photographs, taken with my Huawei p30 Lite Phone.
-Banners designed in Canva Pro.